Platform Introduction

KubeSphere adopts a fine-grained permission control mechanism. The KubeSphere web console varies based on the user’s role.

This section, from the perspective of a user with the platform-admin role, introduces the modules and functionalities of the KubeSphere web console.


KubeSphere Marketplace

The store for extensions, supporting subscription, installation, uninstallation, configuration, and updates of extensions.

App Store

The App Store provides application templates based on Helm Charts, supporting search and installation of applications into a specific project.


Cluster Management: Manages resources from an infrastructure perspective, supporting operations such as adding member clusters, editing cluster information, updating kubeconfig, and removing member clusters.

Workspace management: Provides the ability to share resources across clusters, supporting operations such as creating, editing, and deleting workspaces.

Users and Roles: Create users/platform roles, edit information of users/platform roles, enable and disable users, modify user roles, edit information & permissions of platform roles, and delete users/platform roles.

Extensions Center: Manages subscribed extensions, such as installing, uninstalling, configuring, disabling, and updating extensions.

Quick Access: Enables quick access to resources such as clusters, workspaces, and projects.


Global access entry for platform-level, multi-cluster, and multi-tenant extensions, supporting quick access to installed extensions.

Platform Settings

View platform information.


For detailed information about each modules, please refer to the corresponding guides.