Implementing Traits

  1. trait Pet {
  2.     fn talk(&self) -> String;
  3.     fn greet(&self) {
  4.         println!("Oh you're a cutie! What's your name? {}",;
  5.     }
  6. }
  7. struct Dog {
  8.     name: String,
  9.     age: i8,
  10. }
  11. impl Pet for Dog {
  12.     fn talk(&self) -> String {
  13.         format!("Woof, my name is {}!",
  14.     }
  15. }
  16. fn main() {
  17.     let fido = Dog { name: String::from("Fido"), age: 5 };
  18.     fido.greet();
  19. }
  • To implement Trait for Type, you use an impl Trait for Type { .. } block.

  • Unlike Go interfaces, just having matching methods is not enough: a Cat type with a talk() method would not automatically satisfy Pet unless it is in an impl Pet block.

  • Traits may provide default implementations of some methods. Default implementations can rely on all the methods of the trait. In this case, greet is provided, and relies on talk.