2.4.6. Device

The last library element you need to create is the Device which combines the Component Single OpAmp with the Package SOT23-5. This is actually the only library element which is specifically for LMV321LILT — all previously created elements are generic!

Again, specify some metadata about the Device first. Then you need to choose the Component and Package you want to assign:

Create Device

Then you have to assign the Package pads to Component signals according to the datasheet of the LMV321LILT:

Device Pad-Signal-Map

And that’s it! In the library overview (the first tab in the Library Editor) you can see all the elements you have created:

Library Overview

The LMV321LILT is now ready to be added to schematics and boards. And because the Categories, Symbol, Component and Package are quite generic, they can also be used for many other library elements :)