
You have a running cluster with at least 1 node.

1. Deploying a Workload

You’re ready to create your first Kubernetes workload. A workload is an object that includes pods along with other files and info needed to deploy your application.

For this workload, you’ll be deploying the application Rancher Hello-World.

  1. From the Clusters page, open the cluster that you just created.

  2. From the main menu of the Dashboard, select Projects/Namespaces.

  3. Open the Project: Default project.

  4. Click Resources > Workloads. In versions before v2.3.0, click Workloads > Workloads.

  5. Click Deploy.

    Step Result: The Deploy Workload page opens.

  6. Enter a Name for your workload.

  7. From the Docker Image field, enter rancher/hello-world. This field is case-sensitive.

  8. Leave the remaining options on their default setting. We’ll tell you about them later.

  9. Click Launch.


  • Your workload is deployed. This process might take a few minutes to complete.
  • When your workload completes deployment, it’s assigned a state of Active. You can view this status from the project’s Workloads page.

2. Expose The Application Via An Ingress

Now that the application is up and running it needs to be exposed so that other services can connect.

  1. From the Clusters page, open the cluster that you just created.

  2. From the main menu of the Dashboard, select Projects.

  3. Open the Default project.

  4. Click Resources > Workloads > Load Balancing. In versions before v2.3.0, click the Workloads tab. Click on the Load Balancing tab.

  5. Click Add Ingress.

  6. Enter a name i.e. hello.

  7. In the Target field, drop down the list and choose the name that you set for your service.

  8. Enter 80 in the Port field.

  9. Leave everything else as default and click Save.

Result: The application is assigned a address and exposed. It may take a minute or two to populate.

View Your Application

From the Load Balancing page, click the target link, which will look something like > hello-world.

Your application will open in a separate window.


Congratulations! You have successfully deployed a workload exposed via an ingress.

What’s Next?

When you’re done using your sandbox, destroy the Rancher Server and your cluster. See one of the following: