Important: RKE add-on install is only supported up to Rancher v2.0.8

Please use the Rancher Helm chart to install Rancher on a Kubernetes cluster. For details, see the Kubernetes Install .

If you are currently using the RKE add-on install method, see Migrating from a Kubernetes Install with an RKE Add-on for details on how to move to using the helm chart.

Install NGINX

Start by installing NGINX on your load balancer host. NGINX has packages available for all known operating systems.

For help installing NGINX, refer to their install documentation.

Create NGINX Configuration

See Example NGINX config.


  • Reload or restart NGINX

    1. # Reload NGINX
    2. nginx -s reload
    3. # Restart NGINX
    4. # Depending on your Linux distribution
    5. service nginx restart
    6. systemctl restart nginx

Browse to Rancher UI

You should now be to able to browse to https://FQDN.