Through the Cluster Explorer, when installing or upgrading Istio through Apps & Marketplace,

    1. Click Components.
    2. Check the box next to Enabled CNI.
    3. Add a custom overlay file specifying cniBinDir and cniConfDir. For more information on these options, refer to the Istio documentation. An example is below:

      1. apiVersion:
      2. kind: IstioOperator
      3. spec:
      4. components:
      5. cni:
      6. enabled: true
      7. values:
      8. cni:
      9. image: rancher/istio-install-cni:1.7.3
      10. excludeNamespaces:
      11. - istio-system
      12. - kube-system
      13. logLevel: info
      14. cniBinDir: /opt/cni/bin
      15. cniConfDir: /etc/cni/net.d
    4. After installing Istio, you’ll notice the cni-node pods in the istio-system namespace in a CrashLoopBackoff error. Manually edit the istio-cni-node daemonset to include the following on the install-cni container:

      1. securityContext:
      2. privileged: true

    Result: Now you should be able to utilize Istio as desired, including sidecar injection and monitoring via Kiali.