Installing Security-Guard

Here we show how to install Security-Guard in Knative. Security-Guard is an enhancement to knative-Serving and needs to be installed after the Knative-Serving is successfully installed.

Using Security-Guard requires that your cluster will use an enhanced queue-proxy image.

In addition, Security-Guard includes automation for auto-learning a per service Guardian. Auto-learning requires you to deploy a guard-service on your kubernetes cluster. guard-service should be installed in in the knative-serving namespace.

In production you would typically also wish to enable TLS and Token support to protect the queue-proxy communication with the guard-service as described below.

Before you begin

Before installing Security-Guard, learn about Security-Guard

Install steps

To start this tutorial, after installing Knative Serving, run the following procedure to replace your queue-proxy image and deploy a guard-service.

Install from sourceInstall from released images and yamlsInstall using the Knative Operator

  1. Clone the Security-Guard repository using git clone

  2. Do cd security-guard

  3. Run ko apply -Rf ./config

Use released images to update your system to enable Security-Guard:

  1. Set the feature named queueproxy.mount-podinfo to allowed in the config-features ConfigMap.

    An easy way to do that is using:

    1. kubectl apply -f
  2. Set the deployment parameter queue-sidecar-image to in the config-deployment ConfigMap.

    An easy way to do that is using:

    1. kubectl apply -f
  3. Add the necessary Security-Guard resources to your cluster using:

    1. kubectl apply -f
    2. kubectl apply -f
    3. kubectl apply -f
  4. Deploy guard-service on your system to enable automated learning of micro-rules.

    An easy way to do that is using:

    1. kubectl apply -f


The example below shows a case where kourier ingress is used, make the necessary changes when installing with istio or contour.

Example script to install Security-Guard and Serving with Kourier using the Knative Operator.

  1. kubectl apply --filename - <<EOF
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: Namespace
  4. metadata:
  5. name: knative-serving
  6. ---
  7. apiVersion:
  8. kind: KnativeServing
  9. metadata:
  10. name: knative-serving
  11. namespace: knative-serving
  12. spec:
  13. security:
  14. securityGuard:
  15. enabled: true
  16. ingress:
  17. kourier:
  18. enabled: true
  19. config:
  20. network:
  21. ingress.class: ""
  22. EOF
  23. kubectl apply -f

Per Namespace Setup

In order to deploy guard protected services in a namespace, provide guard-gate with the necessary permissions on each namespace used:

  1. kubectl apply -f

Additional Production Configuration

It is recommended to secure the communication between queue-proxy with the guard-service using one of the following methods:

Manual changesUsing scriptsUsing Knative Operator

  1. Add GUARD_SERVICE_TLS=true to the environment of guard-service to enable TLS and server side authentication using a Knative issued certificate. The guard-service will be using the keys in the knative-serving-certs secret of the knative-serving namespace.

  2. Add GUARD_SERVICE_AUTH=true to the environment of guard-service to enable client side authentication using tokens

  3. Set the queue-sidecar-rootca parameter of the config-deployment configmap in the knative-serving namespace to the public key defined under ca-cert.pem key in the knative-serving-certs secret of the knative-serving namespace. This will inform queue-proxy to use TLS and approve the guard-service certificates.

  4. Set queue-sidecar-token-audiences = "guard-service" at the config-deployment configmap in the knative-serving namespace. This will produce a a token with audience guard-service for every queue-proxy instance.

Use the following script to set TLS and Tokens support in guard-service:

  1. echo "Add TLS and Tokens to guard-service"
  2. kubectl patch deployment guard-service -n knative-serving -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"guard-service","env":[{"name": "GUARD_SERVICE_TLS", "value": "true"}, {"name": "GUARD_SERVICE_AUTH", "value": "true"}]}]}}}}'

Use the following script to set TLS and Tokens support in guard-gates:

  1. echo "Copy the certificate to a temporary file"
  2. ROOTCA="$(mktemp)"
  3. FILENAME=`basename $ROOTCA`
  4. kubectl get secret -n knative-serving knative-serving-certs -o json| jq -r '.data."ca-cert.pem"' | base64 -d > $ROOTCA
  5. echo "Get the certificate in a configmap friendly form"
  6. CERT=`kubectl create cm config-deployment --from-file $ROOTCA -o json --dry-run=client |jq .data.\"$FILENAME\"`
  7. echo "Add TLS and Tokens to config-deployment configmap"
  8. kubectl patch cm config-deployment -n knative-serving -p '{"data":{"queue-sidecar-token-audiences": "guard-service", "queue-sidecar-rootca": '"$CERT"'}}'
  9. echo "cleanup"
  10. rm $ROOTCA

Use the following script to read the TLS and Token settings of both guard-service and guard-gates:

  1. echo "Results:"
  2. kubectl get cm config-deployment -n knative-serving -o json|jq '.data'
  3. kubectl get deployment guard-service -n knative-serving -o json|jq .spec.template.spec.containers[0].env

Use the following script to unset TLS and Tokens support in guard-service:

  1. echo "Remove TLS and Tokens from guard-service deployment"
  2. kubectl patch deployment guard-service -n knative-serving -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"guard-service","env":[{"name": "GUARD_SERVICE_TLS", "value": "false"}, {"name": "GUARD_SERVICE_AUTH", "value": "false"}]}]}}}}'

Use the following script to unset TLS and Tokens support in guard-gates:

  1. echo "Remove TLS and Tokens from config-deployment configmap"
  2. kubectl patch cm config-deployment -n knative-serving -p '{"data":{"queue-sidecar-token-audiences": "", "queue-sidecar-rootca": ""}}'


The example below shows a case where kourier ingress is used, make the necessary changes when installing with istio or contour.

Example script to install Security-Guard with TLS and Serving with Kourier using the Knative Operator.

  1. kubectl apply --filename - <<EOF
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: Namespace
  4. metadata:
  5. name: knative-serving
  6. ---
  7. apiVersion:
  8. kind: KnativeServing
  9. metadata:
  10. name: knative-serving
  11. namespace: knative-serving
  12. EOF
  13. echo "Waiting for secret to be created (CTRL-C to exit)"
  14. PEM=""
  15. while [[ -z $PEM ]]
  16. do
  17. echo -n "."
  18. sleep 1
  19. DOC=`kubectl get secret -n knative-serving knative-serving-certs -o json 2> /dev/null`
  20. PEM=`echo $DOC | jq -r '.data."ca-cert.pem"'`
  21. done
  22. echo " Secret found!"
  23. echo "Copy the certificate to file"
  24. ROOTCA="$(mktemp)"
  25. FILENAME=`basename $ROOTCA`
  26. echo $PEM | base64 -d > $ROOTCA
  27. echo "Create a temporary config-deployment configmap with the certificate"
  28. CERT=`kubectl create cm config-deployment --from-file $ROOTCA -o json --dry-run=client |jq .data.\"$FILENAME\"`
  29. echo "cleanup"
  30. rm $ROOTCA
  31. kubectl apply --filename - <<EOF
  32. apiVersion:
  33. kind: KnativeServing
  34. metadata:
  35. name: knative-serving
  36. namespace: knative-serving
  37. spec:
  38. deployments:
  39. - name: guard-service
  40. env:
  41. - container: guard-service
  42. envVars:
  43. - name: GUARD_SERVICE_TLS
  44. value: "true"
  45. - name: GUARD_SERVICE_AUTH
  46. value: "true"
  47. security:
  48. securityGuard:
  49. enabled: true
  50. ingress:
  51. kourier:
  52. enabled: true
  53. config:
  54. network:
  55. ingress.class: ""
  56. deployment:
  57. queue-sidecar-rootca: ${CERT}
  58. queue-sidecar-token-audiences: guard-service
  59. EOF