Vector tile search API

Vector tile search API

Searches a vector tile for geospatial values. Returns results as a binary Mapbox vector tile.

  1. GET my-index/_mvt/my-geo-field/15/5271/12710


GET <target>/_mvt/<field>/<zoom>/<x>/<y>

POST <target>/_mvt/<field>/<zoom>/<x>/<y>


Path parameters


(Required, string) Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, or aliases to search. Supports wildcards (*). To search all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.

To search a remote cluster, use the <cluster>:<target> syntax. See Search across clusters.


(Required, string) Field containing geospatial values to return. Must be a geo_point or geo_shape field. The field must have doc values enabled. Cannot be a nested field.

Vector tiles do not natively support geometry collections. For geometrycollection values in a geo_shape field, the API returns a hits layer feature for each element of the collection. This behavior may change may change in a future release.


(Required, integer) Zoom level for the vector tile to search. Accepts 0-29.


(Required, integer) X coordinate for the vector tile to search.


(Required, integer) Y coordinate for the vector tile to search.


Internally, Elasticsearch translates a vector tile search API request into a search containing:

  • A geo_bounding_box query on the <field>. The query uses the <zoom>/<x>/<y> tile as a bounding box.
  • A geotile_grid aggregation on the <field>. The aggregation uses the <zoom>/<x>/<y> tile as a bounding box.
  • Optionally, a geo_bounds aggregation on the <field>. The search only includes this aggregation if the exact_bounds parameter is true.

For example, Elasticsearch may translate a vector tile search API request with an exact_bounds argument of true into the following search:

  1. GET my-index/_search
  2. {
  3. "size": 10000,
  4. "query": {
  5. "geo_bounding_box": {
  6. "my-geo-field": {
  7. "top_left": {
  8. "lat": -40.979898069620134,
  9. "lon": -45
  10. },
  11. "bottom_right": {
  12. "lat": -66.51326044311186,
  13. "lon": 0
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }
  17. },
  18. "aggregations": {
  19. "grid": {
  20. "geotile_grid": {
  21. "field": "my-geo-field",
  22. "precision": 11,
  23. "size": 65536,
  24. "bounds": {
  25. "top_left": {
  26. "lat": -40.979898069620134,
  27. "lon": -45
  28. },
  29. "bottom_right": {
  30. "lat": -66.51326044311186,
  31. "lon": 0
  32. }
  33. }
  34. }
  35. },
  36. "bounds": {
  37. "geo_bounds": {
  38. "field": "my-geo-field",
  39. "wrap_longitude": false
  40. }
  41. }
  42. }
  43. }

The API returns results as a binary Mapbox vector tile. Mapbox vector tiles are encoded as Google Protobufs (PBF). By default, the tile contains three layers:

  • A hits layer containing a feature for each <field> value matching the geo_bounding_box query.
  • An aggs layer containing a feature for each cell of the geotile_grid. You can use these cells as tiles for lower zoom levels. The layer only contains features for cells with matching data.
  • A meta layer containing:

    • A feature containing a bounding box. By default, this is the bounding box of the tile.
    • Value ranges for any sub-aggregations on the geotile_grid.
    • Metadata for the search.

The API only returns features that can display at its zoom level. For example, if a polygon feature has no area at its zoom level, the API omits it.

The API returns errors as UTF-8 encoded JSON.

Query parameters

You can specify several options for this API as either a query parameter or request body parameter. If you specify both parameters, the query parameter takes precedence.


(Optional, Boolean) If false, the meta layer’s feature is the bounding box of the tile. Defaults to false.

If true, the meta layer’s feature is a bounding box resulting from a geo_bounds aggregation. The aggregation runs on <field> values that intersect the <zoom>/<x>/<y> tile with wrap_longitude set to false. The resulting bounding box may be larger than the vector tile.


(Optional, integer) Size, in pixels, of a side of the tile. Vector tiles are square with equal sides. Defaults to 4096.


(Optional, integer) Additional zoom levels available through the aggs layer. For example, if <zoom> is 7 and grid_precision is 8, you can zoom in up to level 15. Accepts 0-8. Defaults to 8. If 0, results don’t include the aggs layer.

This value determines the grid size of the geotile_grid as follows:

(2^grid_precision) x (2^grid_precision)

For example, a value of 8 divides the tile into a grid of 256 x 256 cells. The aggs layer only contains features for cells with matching data.


(Optional, string) Determines the geometry type for features in the aggs layer. In the aggs layer, each feature represents a geotile_grid cell. Accepts:

  • grid (Default)

    Each feature is a Polygon of the cell’s bounding box.


    Each feature is a Point that’s the centroid of the cell.


    Each feature is a Point that’s the centroid of the data within the cell. For complex geometries, the actual centroid may be outside the cell. In these cases, the feature is set to the closest point to the centroid inside the cell.


(Optional, integer) Maximum number of features to return in the hits layer. Accepts 0-10000. Defaults to 10000. If 0, results don’t include the hits layer.


(Optional, integer or Boolean) Number of hits matching the query to count accurately. Defaults to 10000.

If true, the exact number of hits is returned at the cost of some performance. If false, the response does not include the total number of hits matching the query.

Request body


(Optional, aggregation object) Sub-aggregations for the geotile_grid. Supports the following aggregation types:


(Optional, Boolean) If false, the meta layer’s feature is the bounding box of the tile. Defaults to false.

If true, the meta layer’s feature is a bounding box resulting from a geo_bounds aggregation. The aggregation runs on <field> values that intersect the <zoom>/<x>/<y> tile with wrap_longitude set to false. The resulting bounding box may be larger than the vector tile.


(Optional, integer) Size, in pixels, of a side of the tile. Vector tiles are square with equal sides. Defaults to 4096.


(Optional, array of strings and objects) Fields to return in the hits layer. Supports wildcards (*).

This parameter does not support fields with array values. Fields with array values may return inconsistent results.

You can specify fields in the array as a string or object.

Properties of fields objects

  • field

    (Required, string) Field to return. Supports wildcards (*).


    (Optional, string) Format for date and geospatial fields. Other field data types do not support this parameter.

    date and date_nanos fields accept a date format. geo_point and geo_shape fields accept:

    • geojson (default)



      Well Known Text

      mvt(<zoom>/<x>/<y>@<extent>) or mvt(<zoom>/<x>/<y>)

      Binary Mapbox vector tile. The API returns the tile as a base64-encoded string.

      mvt parameters


      (Required, integer) Zoom level for the tile. Accepts 0-29.


      (Required, integer) X coordinate for the tile.


      (Required, integer) Y coordinate for the tile.


      (Optional, integer) Size, in pixels, of a side of the tile. Vector tiles are square with equal sides. Defaults to 4096.


(Optional, integer) Additional zoom levels available through the aggs layer. For example, if <zoom> is 7 and grid_precision is 8, you can zoom in up to level 15. Accepts 0-8. Defaults to 8. If 0, results don’t include the aggs layer.

This value determines the grid size of the geotile_grid as follows:

(2^grid_precision) x (2^grid_precision)

For example, a value of 8 divides the tile into a grid of 256 x 256 cells. The aggs layer only contains features for cells with matching data.


(Optional, string) Determines the geometry type for features in the aggs layer. In the aggs layer, each feature represents a geotile_grid cell. Accepts:

  • grid (Default)

    Each feature is a Polygon of the cell’s bounding box.


    Each feature is a Point that’s the centroid of the cell.


    Each feature is a Point that’s the centroid of the data within the cell. For complex geometries, the actual centroid may be outside the cell. In these cases, the feature is set to the closest point to the centroid inside the cell.


(Optional, object) Query DSL used to filter documents for the search.


(Optional, object of objects) Defines one or more runtime fields in the search request. These fields take precedence over mapped fields with the same name.

Properties of runtime_mappings objects

  • <field-name>

    (Required, object) Configuration for the runtime field. The key is the field name.

    Properties of <field-name>

    • type

      (Required, string) Field type, which can be any of the following:

      • boolean
      • composite
      • date
      • double
      • geo_point
      • ip
      • keyword
      • long


      (Optional, string) Painless script executed at query time. The script has access to the entire context of a document, including the original _source and any mapped fields plus their values.

      This script must include emit to return calculated values. For example:

      1. "script": "emit(doc['@timestamp'].value.dayOfWeekEnum.toString())"


(Optional, integer) Maximum number of features to return in the hits layer. Accepts 0-10000. Defaults to 10000. If 0, results don’t include the hits layer.


(Optional, array of sort objects) Sorts features in the hits layer.

By default, the API calculates a bounding box for each feature. It sorts features based on this box’s diagonal length, from longest to shortest.


(Optional, integer or Boolean) Number of hits matching the query to count accurately. Defaults to 10000.

If true, the exact number of hits is returned at the cost of some performance. If false, the response does not include the total number of hits matching the query.


Returned vector tiles contain the following data:


(object) Layer containing results for the geo_bounding_box query.

Properties of hits

  • extent

    (integer) Size, in pixels, of a side of the tile. Vector tiles are square with equal sides.

  • version

    (integer) Major version number of the Mapbox vector tile specification.


    (array of objects) Array of features. Contains a feature for each <field> value that matches the geo_bounding_box query.

    Properties of features objects

    • geometry

      (object) Geometry for the feature.

      Properties of geometry


      (string) Geometry type for the feature. Valid values are:

      • UNKNOWN
      • POINT
      • POLYGON


      (array of integers or array of arrays) Tile coordinates for the feature.


      (object) Properties for the feature.

      Properties of properties


      (string) Document _id for the feature’s document.


      (string) Name of the index for the feature’s document.


      Field value. Only returned for fields in the fields parameter.


      (integer) Identifier for the feature’s geometry type. Values are:

      • 1 (POINT)
      • 2 (LINESTRING)
      • 3 (POLYGON)


(object) Layer containing results for the geotile_grid aggregation and its sub-aggregations.

Properties of aggs

  • extent

    (integer) Size, in pixels, of a side of the tile. Vector tiles are square with equal sides.


    (integer) Major version number of the Mapbox vector tile specification.


    (array of objects) Array of features. Contains a feature for each cell of the geotile_grid.

    Properties of features objects

    • geometry

      (object) Geometry for the feature.

      Properties of geometry


      (string) Geometry type for the feature. Valid values are:

      • UNKNOWN
      • POINT
      • POLYGON


      (array of integers or array of arrays) Tile coordinates for the feature.


      (object) Properties for the feature.

      Properties of properties


      (long) Count of the cell’s documents.


      (string) Bucket key of the cell in the format <zoom>/<x>/<y>.


      Sub-aggregation results for the cell. Only returned for sub-aggregations in the aggs parameter.


      (integer) Identifier for the feature’s geometry type. Values are:

      • 1 (POINT)
      • 2 (LINESTRING)
      • 3 (POLYGON)


(object) Layer containing metadata for the request.

Properties of meta

  • extent

    (integer) Size, in pixels, of a side of the tile. Vector tiles are square with equal sides.


    (integer) Major version number of the Mapbox vector tile specification.


    (array of objects) Contains a feature for a bounding box.

    Properties of features objects

    • geometry

      (object) Geometry for the feature.

      Properties of geometry


      (string) Geometry type for the feature. Valid values are:

      • UNKNOWN
      • POINT
      • POLYGON


      (array of integers or array of arrays) Tile coordinates for the feature.


      (object) Properties for the feature.

      Properties of properties


      (integer) Number of shards that failed to execute the search. See the search API’s shards response property.


      (integer) Number of shards that skipped the search. See the search API’s shards response property.


      (integer) Number of shards that executed the search successfully. See the search API’s shards response property.

      (integer) Total number of shards that required querying, including unallocated shards. See the search API’s shards response property.


      (float) Average _count value for features in the aggs layer.


      (integer) Number of unique _count values for features in the aggs layer.


      (float) Largest _count value for features in the aggs layer.


      (float) Smallest _count value for features in the aggs layer.


      (float) Sum of _count values for features in the aggs layer.


      (float) Average value for the sub-aggregation’s results.


      (integer) Number of unique values from the sub-aggregation’s results.


      (float) Largest value from the sub-aggregation’s results.


      (float) Smallest value from the sub-aggregation’s results.


      (float) Sum of values for the sub-aggregation’s results.


      (float) Highest document _score for the search’s hits.

      (string) Indicates whether is accurate or a lower bound. Possible values are:




      Lower bound

      (integer) Total number of hits for the search.


      (Boolean) If true, the search timed out before completion. Results may be partial or empty.


      (integer) Milliseconds it took Elasticsearch to run the search. See the search API’s took response property.


      (integer) Identifier for the feature’s geometry type. Values are:

      • 1 (POINT)
      • 2 (LINESTRING)
      • 3 (POLYGON)


The following requests create the museum index and add several geospatial location values.

  1. PUT museums
  2. {
  3. "mappings": {
  4. "properties": {
  5. "location": {
  6. "type": "geo_point"
  7. },
  8. "name": {
  9. "type": "keyword"
  10. },
  11. "price": {
  12. "type": "long"
  13. },
  14. "included": {
  15. "type": "boolean"
  16. }
  17. }
  18. }
  19. }
  20. POST museums/_bulk?refresh
  21. { "index": { "_id": "1" } }
  22. { "location": "52.374081,4.912350", "name": "NEMO Science Museum", "price": 1750, "included": true }
  23. { "index": { "_id": "2" } }
  24. { "location": "52.369219,4.901618", "name": "Museum Het Rembrandthuis", "price": 1500, "included": false }
  25. { "index": { "_id": "3" } }
  26. { "location": "52.371667,4.914722", "name": "Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum", "price":1650, "included": true }
  27. { "index": { "_id": "4" } }
  28. { "location": "52.371667,4.914722", "name": "Amsterdam Centre for Architecture", "price":0, "included": true }

The following request searches the index for location values that intersect the 13/4207/2692 vector tile.

  1. GET museums/_mvt/location/13/4207/2692
  2. {
  3. "grid_precision": 2,
  4. "fields": [
  5. "name",
  6. "price"
  7. ],
  8. "query": {
  9. "term": {
  10. "included": true
  11. }
  12. },
  13. "aggs": {
  14. "min_price": {
  15. "min": {
  16. "field": "price"
  17. }
  18. },
  19. "max_price": {
  20. "max": {
  21. "field": "price"
  22. }
  23. },
  24. "avg_price": {
  25. "avg": {
  26. "field": "price"
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }

The API returns results as a binary vector tile. When decoded into JSON, the tile contains the following data:

  1. {
  2. "hits": {
  3. "extent": 4096,
  4. "version": 2,
  5. "features": [
  6. {
  7. "geometry": {
  8. "type": "Point",
  9. "coordinates": [
  10. 3208,
  11. 3864
  12. ]
  13. },
  14. "properties": {
  15. "_id": "1",
  16. "_index": "museums",
  17. "name": "NEMO Science Museum",
  18. "price": 1750
  19. },
  20. "type": 1
  21. },
  22. {
  23. "geometry": {
  24. "type": "Point",
  25. "coordinates": [
  26. 3429,
  27. 3496
  28. ]
  29. },
  30. "properties": {
  31. "_id": "3",
  32. "_index": "museums",
  33. "name": "Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum",
  34. "price": 1650
  35. },
  36. "type": 1
  37. },
  38. {
  39. "geometry": {
  40. "type": "Point",
  41. "coordinates": [
  42. 3429,
  43. 3496
  44. ]
  45. },
  46. "properties": {
  47. "_id": "4",
  48. "_index": "museums",
  49. "name": "Amsterdam Centre for Architecture",
  50. "price": 0
  51. },
  52. "type": 1
  53. }
  54. ]
  55. },
  56. "aggs": {
  57. "extent": 4096,
  58. "version": 2,
  59. "features": [
  60. {
  61. "geometry": {
  62. "type": "Polygon",
  63. "coordinates": [
  64. [
  65. [
  66. 3072,
  67. 3072
  68. ],
  69. [
  70. 4096,
  71. 3072
  72. ],
  73. [
  74. 4096,
  75. 4096
  76. ],
  77. [
  78. 3072,
  79. 4096
  80. ],
  81. [
  82. 3072,
  83. 3072
  84. ]
  85. ]
  86. ]
  87. },
  88. "properties": {
  89. "_count": 3,
  90. "max_price.value": 1750.0,
  91. "min_price.value": 0.0,
  92. "avg_price.value": 1133.3333333333333
  93. },
  94. "type": 3
  95. }
  96. ]
  97. },
  98. "meta": {
  99. "extent": 4096,
  100. "version": 2,
  101. "features": [
  102. {
  103. "geometry": {
  104. "type": "Polygon",
  105. "coordinates": [
  106. [
  107. [
  108. 0,
  109. 0
  110. ],
  111. [
  112. 4096,
  113. 0
  114. ],
  115. [
  116. 4096,
  117. 4096
  118. ],
  119. [
  120. 0,
  121. 4096
  122. ],
  123. [
  124. 0,
  125. 0
  126. ]
  127. ]
  128. ]
  129. },
  130. "properties": {
  131. "_shards.failed": 0,
  132. "_shards.skipped": 0,
  133. "_shards.successful": 1,
  134. "": 1,
  135. "aggregations._count.avg": 3.0,
  136. "aggregations._count.count": 1,
  137. "aggregations._count.max": 3.0,
  138. "aggregations._count.min": 3.0,
  139. "aggregations._count.sum": 3.0,
  140. "aggregations.avg_price.avg": 1133.3333333333333,
  141. "aggregations.avg_price.count": 1,
  142. "aggregations.avg_price.max": 1133.3333333333333,
  143. "aggregations.avg_price.min": 1133.3333333333333,
  144. "aggregations.avg_price.sum": 1133.3333333333333,
  145. "aggregations.max_price.avg": 1750.0,
  146. "aggregations.max_price.count": 1,
  147. "aggregations.max_price.max": 1750.0,
  148. "aggregations.max_price.min": 1750.0,
  149. "aggregations.max_price.sum": 1750.0,
  150. "aggregations.min_price.avg": 0.0,
  151. "aggregations.min_price.count": 1,
  152. "aggregations.min_price.max": 0.0,
  153. "aggregations.min_price.min": 0.0,
  154. "aggregations.min_price.sum": 0.0,
  155. "hits.max_score": 0.0,
  156. "": "eq",
  157. "": 3,
  158. "timed_out": false,
  159. "took": 2
  160. },
  161. "type": 3
  162. }
  163. ]
  164. }
  165. }