Clear privileges cache API

Clear privileges cache API

Evicts privileges from the native application privilege cache. The cache is also automatically cleared for applications that have their privileges updated.


POST /_security/privilege/<applications>/_clear_cache


  • To use this API, you must have at least the manage_security cluster privilege.


For more information about the native realm, see Realms and Native user authentication.

Path parameters


(Required, string) Comma-separated list of applications to clear. To clear all applications, use *. Does not support other wildcard patterns.


The clear privileges cache API evicts privileges from the native application privilege cache. For example, to clear the cache for myapp:

  1. POST /_security/privilege/myapp/_clear_cache

Specify multiple applications as a comma-separated list.

  1. POST /_security/privilege/myapp,my-other-app/_clear_cache

To clear the cache for all applications, use *.

  1. POST /_security/privilege/*/_clear_cache