Manage auto-follow patterns
Manage auto-follow patterns
To replicate time series indices, you configure an auto-follow pattern so that each new index in the series is replicated automatically. Whenever the name of a new index on the remote cluster matches the auto-follow pattern, a corresponding follower index is added to the local cluster.
Auto-follow patterns only match open indices on the remote cluster that have all primary shards started. Auto-follow patterns do not match indices that can’t be used for CCR such as closed indices or searchable snapshots. Avoid using an auto-follow pattern that matches indices with a read or write block. These blocks prevent follower indices from replicating such indices.
You can also create auto-follow patterns for data streams. When a new backing index is generated on a remote cluster, that index and its data stream are automatically followed if the data stream name matches an auto-follow pattern. If you create a data stream after creating the auto-follow pattern, all backing indices are followed automatically.
The data streams replicated from a remote cluster by CCR are protected from local rollovers. The promote data stream API can be used to turn these data streams into regular data streams.
Auto-follow patterns are especially useful with Index lifecycle management, which might continually create new indices on the cluster containing the leader index.
To start using cross-cluster replication auto-follow patterns from Stack Management in Kibana, select Cross-Cluster Replication from the side navigation and choose the Auto-follow patterns tab.
Create auto-follow patterns
When you create an auto-follow pattern, you are configuring a collection of patterns against a single remote cluster. When an index is created in the remote cluster with a name that matches one of the patterns in the collection, a follower index is configured in the local cluster. The follower index uses the new index as its leader index.
Use the create auto-follow pattern API to add a new auto-follow pattern configuration.
Retrieve auto-follow patterns
To view existing auto-follow patterns and make changes to the backing patterns, access Kibana on your remote cluster.
Select the auto-follow pattern that you want to view details about. From there, you can make changes to the auto-follow pattern. You can also view your follower indices included in the auto-follow pattern.
Use the get auto-follow pattern API to inspect all configured auto-follow pattern collections.
Pause and resume auto-follow patterns
To pause and resume replication of auto-follow pattern collections, access Kibana, select the auto-follow pattern, and pause replication.
To resume replication, select the pattern and choose Manage pattern > Resume replication.
Use the pause auto-follow pattern API to pause auto-follow patterns. Use the resume auto-follow pattern API to resume auto-follow patterns.
Delete auto-follow patterns
To delete an auto-follow pattern collection, access Kibana, select the auto-follow pattern, and pause replication.
When the pattern status changes to Paused, choose Manage pattern > Delete pattern.
Use the delete auto-follow pattern API to delete a configured auto-follow pattern collection.