Multi-cluster communication

Linkerd’s multi-cluster functionality allows pods to connect to Kubernetes services across cluster boundaries in a way that is secure and fully transparent to the application. This feature supports three modes: hierarchical (using a gateway), flat (without a gateway), and federated.

  • Hierarchical mode only requires that the gateway IP of the destination cluster be reachable by pods on the source cluster.
  • Flat mode requires that all pods on the source cluster be able to directly connect to pods on the destination cluster.
  • Federated mode has the same requirements as flat mode but allows a service deployed to multiple clusters to be treated as a single cluster agnostic service.

These modes can be mixed and matched.

Architectural diagram comparing hierarchical and flat network modes

Hierarchical mode places a bare minimum of requirements on the underlying network, as it only requires that the gateway IP be reachable. However, flat mode has a few advantages over the gateway approach used in hierarchical mode, including reducing latency and preserving client identity.

Service mirroring

Linkerd’s multi-cluster functionality uses a service mirror component that watches a target cluster for updates to services and mirrors those service updates locally to a source cluster.

Multi-cluster support is underpinned by a concept known as service mirroring. Mirroring refers to importing a service definition from another cluster, and it allows applications to address and consume multi-cluster services. The service mirror component runs on the source cluster; it watches a target cluster for updates to services and mirrors those updates locally in the source cluster. Only Kubernetes service objects that match a label selector are exported.

The label selector also controls the mode a service is exported in. For example, by default, services labeled with will be exported in hierarchical (gateway) mode, whereas services labeled with will be exported in flat (pod-to-pod) mode. Since the configuration is service-centric, switching from gateway to pod-to-pod mode is trivial and does not require the extension to be re-installed.

Multi-cluster communication - 图2


In flat mode, the namespace of the Linkerd control plane should be the same across all clusters. We recommend leaving this at the default value of linkerd.

The term “remote-discovery” refers to how the imported services should be interpreted by Linkerd’s control plane. Service discovery is performed by the destination service. Whenever traffic is sent to a target imported in “remote-discovery” mode, the destination service knows to look for all relevant information in the cluster the service has been exported from, not locally. In contrast, service discovery for a hierarchical (gateway mode) import will be performed locally; instead of routing directly to a pod, traffic will be sent to the gateway address on the target cluster.

Linkerd’s destination service performs remote discovery by connecting directly to multiple Kubernetes API servers. Whenever two clusters are connected together, a Kubernetes Secret is created in the control plane’s namespace with a kubeconfig file that allows an API client to be configured. The kubeconfig file uses RBAC to provide the “principle of least privilege”, ensuring the destination service may only access only the resources it needs.

Federated Services

Federated services take this a step farther by allowing a service which is deployed to multiple clusters to be joined into a single unified service.

The service mirror controller will look for all services in all linked clusters which match a label selector ( by default) and create a federated service called <svc name>-federated which will act as a union of all those services with that name. For example, all traffic sent to the store-web-federated federated service will be load balanced over all replicas of all services named store-web in all linked clusters.

The concept of “namespace sameness” applies, which means that the federated service will be created in the same namespace as the individual services and services can only join a federated service in the same namespace.

Since Linkerd’s destination service uses “remote-discovery” to discover the endpoints of a federated service, all of the requirements for flat mode also apply to federated services: the clusters must be on a flat network where pods in one cluster can connect to pods in the others, the clusters must have the same trust root, and any clients connecting to the federated service must be meshed.