Injecting Faults

It is easy to inject failures into applications by using the HTTPRoute resource to redirect a percentage of traffic to a specific backend. This backend is completely flexible and can return whatever responses you want - 500s, timeouts or even crazy payloads.

The books demo is a great way to show off this behavior. The overall topology looks like:


In this guide, you will split some of the requests from webapp to books. Most requests will end up at the correct books destination, however some of them will be redirected to a faulty backend. This backend will return 500s for every request and inject faults into the webapp service. No code changes are required and as this method is configuration driven, it is a process that can be added to integration tests and CI pipelines. If you are really living the chaos engineering lifestyle, fault injection could even be used in production.


To use this guide, you’ll need a Kubernetes cluster running:

Setup the service

First, add the books sample application to your cluster:

  1. kubectl create ns booksapp && \
  2. linkerd inject | \
  3. kubectl -n booksapp apply -f -

As this manifest is used as a demo elsewhere, it has been configured with an error rate. To show how fault injection works, the error rate needs to be removed so that there is a reliable baseline. To increase success rate for booksapp to 100%, run:

  1. kubectl -n booksapp patch deploy authors \
  2. --type='json' \
  3. -p='[{"op":"remove", "path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/2"}]'

After a little while, the stats will show 100% success rate. You can verify this by running:

  1. linkerd viz -n booksapp stat-inbound deploy

The output will end up looking at little like:

  2. authors [default]:4191 [default] 100.00% 0.20 0ms 1ms 1ms
  3. authors [default]:7001 [default] 100.00% 3.00 2ms 36ms 43ms
  4. books [default]:4191 [default] 100.00% 0.23 4ms 4ms 4ms
  5. books [default]:7002 [default] 100.00% 3.60 2ms 2ms 2ms
  6. traffic [default]:4191 [default] 100.00% 0.22 0ms 3ms 1ms
  7. webapp [default]:4191 [default] 100.00% 0.72 4ms 5ms 1ms
  8. webapp [default]:7000 [default] 100.00% 3.25 2ms 2ms 65ms

Create the faulty backend

Injecting faults into booksapp requires a service that is configured to return errors. To do this, you can start NGINX and configure it to return 500s by running:

  1. cat <<EOF | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: ConfigMap
  4. metadata:
  5. name: error-injector
  6. namespace: booksapp
  7. data:
  8. nginx.conf: |-
  9. events {}
  10. http {
  11. server {
  12. listen 8080;
  13. location / {
  14. return 500;
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }
  18. ---
  19. apiVersion: apps/v1
  20. kind: Deployment
  21. metadata:
  22. name: error-injector
  23. namespace: booksapp
  24. labels:
  25. app: error-injector
  26. spec:
  27. selector:
  28. matchLabels:
  29. app: error-injector
  30. replicas: 1
  31. template:
  32. metadata:
  33. labels:
  34. app: error-injector
  35. spec:
  36. containers:
  37. - name: nginx
  38. image: nginx:alpine
  39. volumeMounts:
  40. - name: nginx-config
  41. mountPath: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  42. subPath: nginx.conf
  43. volumes:
  44. - name: nginx-config
  45. configMap:
  46. name: error-injector
  47. ---
  48. apiVersion: v1
  49. kind: Service
  50. metadata:
  51. name: error-injector
  52. namespace: booksapp
  53. spec:
  54. ports:
  55. - name: service
  56. port: 8080
  57. selector:
  58. app: error-injector
  59. EOF

Inject faults

With booksapp and NGINX running, it is now time to partially split the traffic between an existing backend, books, and the newly created error-injector. This is done by adding an HTTPRoute configuration to your cluster:

  1. cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
  2. apiVersion:
  3. kind: HTTPRoute
  4. metadata:
  5. name: error-split
  6. namespace: booksapp
  7. spec:
  8. parentRefs:
  9. - name: books
  10. kind: Service
  11. group: core
  12. port: 7002
  13. rules:
  14. - backendRefs:
  15. - name: books
  16. port: 7002
  17. weight: 90
  18. - name: error-injector
  19. port: 8080
  20. weight: 10
  21. EOF

Injecting Faults - 图2


Two versions of the HTTPRoute resource may be used with Linkerd:

  • The upstream version provided by the Gateway API, with the API group
  • A Linkerd-specific CRD provided by Linkerd, with the API group

The two HTTPRoute resource definitions are similar, but the Linkerd version implements experimental features not yet available with the upstream Gateway API resource definition. See the HTTPRoute reference documentation for details.

When Linkerd sees traffic going to the books service, it will send 9/10 requests to the original service and 1/10 to the error injector. You can see what this looks like by running stat-outbound:

  1. linkerd viz stat-outbound -n booksapp deploy/webapp
  3. webapp authors:7001 [default] 98.44% 4.28 25ms 47ms 50ms 0.00% 0.00%
  4. └────────────────────► authors:7001 98.44% 4.28 15ms 42ms 48ms 0.00%
  5. webapp books:7002 error-split HTTPRoute 87.76% 7.22 26ms 49ms 333ms 0.00% 0.00%
  6. ├────────────────────► books:7002 100.00% 6.33 14ms 42ms 83ms 0.00%
  7. └────────────────────► error-injector:8080 0.00% 0.88 12ms 24ms 25ms 0.00%

We can see here that 0.88 requests per second are being sent to the error injector and that the overall success rate is 87.76%.


To remove everything in this guide from your cluster, run:

  1. kubectl delete ns booksapp