Using a Custom Cluster Domain

For Kubernetes clusters that use custom cluster domain, Linkerd must be installed using the --cluster-domain option:

  1. # first, install the Linkerd CRDs:
  2. linkerd install --crds | kubectl apply -f -
  3. # next, install the Linkerd control plane, using the custom cluster domain:
  4. linkerd install \
  5. \
  6. | kubectl apply -f -
  7. # The Linkerd Viz extension also requires a similar setting:
  8. linkerd viz install --set | kubectl apply -f -
  9. # And so does the Multicluster extension:
  10. linkerd multicluster install --set | kubectl apply -f -

This ensures that all Linkerd handles all service discovery, routing, service profiles and traffic split resources using the domain.

Using a Custom Cluster Domain - 图1


Note that the identity trust domain must match the cluster domain for mTLS to work.

Using a Custom Cluster Domain - 图2


Changing the cluster domain while upgrading Linkerd isn’t supported.