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Language References

This reference explains the parts of the expressions language structure used for the expression router.


A predicate is the basic unit of expressions code which takes the following form:

  1. http.path ^= "/foo/bar"

This predicate example has the following structure:

  • http.path: Field
  • ^=: Operator
  • "/foo/bar": Constant value

Type system

Expressions language is strongly typed. Operations are only performed if such an operation makes sense in regard to the actual type of field and constant.

Type conversion at runtime is not supported, either explicitly or implicitly. Types are always known at the time a route is parsed and an error is returned if the operator cannot be performed on the provided field and constant.

The expressions language currently supports the following types:

TypeDescriptionField typeConstant type
StringA string value, always in valid UTF-8.
IpCidrRange of IP addresses in CIDR format. Can be either IPv4 or IPv6.
IpAddrA single IP address. Can be either IPv4 or IPv6.
IntA 64-bit signed integer.
RegexA regex in syntax specified by the Rust regex crate.

In addition, expressions also supports one composite type, Array. Array types are written as Type[]. For example: String[], Int[]. Currently, arrays can only be present in field values. They are used in case one field could contain multiple values. For example, http.headers.x or http.queries.x.


Strings are valid UTF-8 sequences. They can be defined with string literal that looks like "content". The following escape sequences are supported:

Escape sequenceDescription
\nNewline character
\rCarriage return character
\tHorizontal tab character
\The \ character
\”The character

In addition, expressions support raw string literals, like r#"content"#. This feature is useful if you want to write a regex and repeated escape becomes tedious to deal with.

For example, if you want to match http.path against /\d+\-\d+ using the regex ~ operator, the predicate will be written as the following with string literals:

  1. http.path ~ "/\\d+\\-\\d+"

With raw string literals, you can write:

  1. http.path ~ r#"/\d+\-\d+"#


IpCidr represents a range of IP addresses in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) format.

The following is an IPv4 example:

  1. net.src.ip in

The following is an IPv6 example:

  1. net.src.ip in fd00::/8

Expressions parser rejects any CIDR literal where the host portion contains any non-zero bits. This means that won’t pass the parser check because the intention of the author is unclear.


IpAddr represents a single IP addresses in IPv4 Dot-decimal notation, or the standard IPv6 Address Format.

The following is an IPv4 example:

  1. net.src.ip ==

The following is an IPv6 example:

  1. net.src.ip == fd00::1


There is only one integer type in expressions. All integers are signed 64-bit integers. Integer literals can be written as 12345, -12345, or in hexadecimal format, such as 0xab12ff, or in octet format like 0751.


Regex are written as String literals, but they are parsed when the ~ regex operator is present and checked for validity according to the Rust regex crate syntax. For example, in the following predicate, the constant is parsed as a Regex:

  1. http.path ~ r#"/foo/bar/.+"#


Expressions language support a rich set of operators that can be performed on various data types.

==EqualsField value is equal to the constant value 
!=Not equalsField value does not equal the constant value 
~Regex matchField value matches regex 
^=Prefix matchField value starts with the constant value 
=^Postfix matchField value ends with the constant value 
>=Greater than or equalField value is greater than or equal to the constant value 
>Greater thanField value is greater than the constant value 
<=Less than or equalField value is less than or equal to the constant value 
<Less thanField value is less than the constant value 
inInField value is inside the constant value 
not inNot inField value is not inside the constant value 
containsContainsField value contains the constant value 
&&AndReturns true if both expressions on the left and right side evaluates to true 
||OrReturns true if any expressions on the left and right side evaluates to true 
(Expression)ParenthesisGroups expressions together to be evaluated first 
!NotNegates the result of a parenthesized expression. Note: The ! operator can only be used with parenthesized expression like !(foo == 1), it cannot be used with a bare predicate like ! foo == 1 

Extended descriptions

In and not in

These operators are used with IpAddr and IpCidr types to perform an efficient IP list check. For example, net.src.ip in will only return true if the value of net.src.ip is within


This operator is used to check the existence of a string inside another string. For example, http.path contains "foo" will return true if foo can be found anywhere inside http.path. This will match a http.path that looks like /foo, /abc/foo, or /xfooy, for example.

Type and operator semantics

Here are the allowed combination of field types and constant types with each operator. In the following table, rows represent field types that display on the left-hand side (LHS) of the predicate, whereas columns represent constant value types that display on the right-hand side (RHS) of the predicate.

Field (LHS)/Constant (RHS) typesStringIpCidrIpAddrIntRegexExpression
String==, !=, ~, ^=, =^, contains~
IpAddrin, not in==
Int==, !=, >=, >, <=, <
Expression&&, ||


  • The ~ operator is described as supporting both String ~ String and String ~ Regex. In reality, Regex constant values can only be written as String on the right hand side. The presence of ~ operators treats the string value as a regex. Even with the ~ operator, String escape rules described above still apply and it is almost always easier to use raw string literals for the ~ operator as described in the Regex section.
  • The ~ operator does not automatically anchor the regex to the beginning of the input. Meaning http.path ~ r#"/foo/\d"# could match a path like /foo/1 or /some/thing/foo/1. If you want to match from the beginning of the string (anchoring the regex), then you must manually specify it with the ^ meta-character. For example, http.path ~ r#"^/foo/\d"#.
  • When performing IP address-related comparisons with ==, in, or not in, different families of address types for the field and constant value will always cause the predicate to return false at runtime.