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Install Kong Gateway on RHEL

The Kong Gateway software is governed by the Kong Software License Agreement. Kong is licensed under an Apache 2.0 license.

This page guides you through installing Kong Gateway in traditional mode, where it acts as both the control plane and data plane. Running in this mode may have a small performance impact.

We recommend using Konnect as your control plane to allow your data plane to run at maximum performance and decrease your deployment complexity.


Note: In July of 2023 Kong announced that package hosting was shifting from to Read more about it in this blog post!

Package install

You can install Kong Gateway by downloading an installation package or using the yum repository.

The following steps install the package only, without a data store. You will need to set one up after installation.


YUM repository

Install Kong Gateway on RHEL from the command line.

  1. Download the Kong package:

    Kong Gateway

    Kong Gateway (OSS)

    1. curl -Lo kong-enterprise-edition- $(rpm --eval{rhel}/%{_arch}/kong-enterprise-edition-{rhel}.%{_arch}.rpm)
    1. curl -Lo kong-3.7.1.rpm $(rpm --eval{rhel}/%{_arch}/kong-3.7.1.el%{rhel}.%{_arch}.rpm)
  2. Install the package using yum or rpm.

    If you use the rpm install method, the packages only contain Kong Gateway. They don’t include any dependencies.



    Kong Gateway

    Kong Gateway (OSS)

    1. sudo yum install -y kong-enterprise-edition-
    1. sudo yum install -y kong-3.7.1.rpm

    The rpm method is only available for open-source packages. For the kong-enterprise-edition package, use yum.

    1. rpm -iv kong-3.7.1.rpm

    Installing directly using rpm is suitable for Red Hat’s Universal Base Image “minimal” variant. You will need to install Kong’s dependencies separately via microdnf.

Install the YUM repository from the command line.

  1. Download the Kong YUM repository:

    1. curl -1sLf "$(rpm --eval '%{rhel}')" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/kong-gateway-37.repo
    2. sudo yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='kong-gateway-37'
  2. Install Kong:

    Kong Gateway

    Kong Gateway (OSS)

    1. sudo yum install -y kong-enterprise-edition-
    1. sudo yum install -y kong-3.7.1

Next steps

Before starting Kong Gateway, set up a data store and update the kong.conf.default configuration property file with a reference to your data store.

Depending on your desired environment, also see the following guides:

You can also check out Kong Gateway’s series of Getting Started guides to learn how get the most out of Kong Gateway.

Uninstall package

Stop Kong Gateway:

  1. kong stop

Kong Gateway

Kong Gateway (OSS)

To uninstall the package, run:

  1. sudo yum remove kong-enterprise-edition

To uninstall the package, run:

  1. sudo yum remove kong