The HTTP client supports monitoring capabilities, which are off by default to avoid performance impact. The monitoring and metrics calculation features are enabled by default only when the global metric feature is activated.

Metrics List

Metric NameMetric TypeMetric UnitMetric Description
http.client.request.durationHistogrammsTime cost of client request execution.
http.client.request.duration_totalCountermsTotal time cost used by each request.
http.client.connection.durationHistogrammsTime cost used for creating a connection.
http.client.request.totalCounterTotal number of requests completed.
http.client.request.activeGaugeNumber of requests currently being processed.
http.client.request.body_sizeCounterbytesTotal size of request bytes.
http.client.response.body_sizeCounterbytesTotal size of returned bytes.

Attributes List

Label NameLabel DescriptionLabel Example
server.addressTarget service address of the request. It could be a domain name or IP
server.portTarget service port of the request.8000
http.request.methodRequest method name.GETPOSTDELETE
http.response.status_codeHTTP status code of the response.200
url.schemaProtocol used for the request.http
network.protocol.versionVersion of the request protocol.1.0