The monitoring and alerting feature has been available since framework version v2.7.

    Developers can quickly implement monitoring metrics and metric exposure through the GoFrame framework.

    📄️ Metrics - IntroThe fundamentals of monitoring alerts in the GoFrame framework, focusing on OpenTelemetry’s design specifications and components related to monitoring and alerting. Covers the relationships and data flow among components like Meter Provider, Meter, and Instrument. The article also explains how the framework achieves observability through the gmetric component by adopting an abstract decoupling design, supporting various types of synchronous and asynchronous metrics, aiding developers in handling and extending monitoring functionalities flexibly.

    📄️ Metrics - UsageUse the gmetric component in the GoFrame framework to develop monitoring metrics. By introducing the otelmetric component, the OpenTelemetry can be used to implement the framework’s monitoring metrics interface. The article describes in detail the creation of metric management objects, the use and initialization methods of various monitoring metric objects, and demonstrates how to read and manipulate metric data through code examples.

    📄️ Metrics - Synchronous MetricsUsing synchronous metrics in the GoFrame framework to quickly expose and record HTTP request-related data through types such as Counter, UpDownCounter, and Histogram provided by gmetric. Implementing metrics output with the Prometheus protocol for external monitoring tools to capture and analyze, achieving effective performance monitoring and management.

    📄️ Metrics - Asynchronous MetricsUsing asynchronous monitoring metrics in the GoFrame framework, this document details the usage of three types of asynchronous metrics: ObservableCounter, ObservableUpDownCounter, and ObservableGauge. It explains how to define Callback functions to manage metric value changes and uses Prometheus to export metric data.

    📄️ Metrics - AttributesUse metric attributes for filtering, aggregation, and statistics in the monitoring alerts component of the GoFrame framework. It provides three attribute injection methods: constant attributes, variable attributes, and global attributes, and demonstrates through specific examples how to apply these attributes in different scenarios. Combined with OpenTelemetry and Prometheus, it shows how to define and apply metric attributes to achieve flexible and efficient data monitoring and analysis.

    📄️ Metrics - Built-in MetricsUsage of built-in metrics for monitoring alerts in the GoFrame framework, including how to enable Go basic metrics with otelmetric, and how to integrate with Prometheus and OpenTelemetry for performance monitoring and optimization. The document provides example code and detailed descriptions of metrics, including metric names, types, and descriptions, to assist users in understanding and implementing performance monitoring.

    📄️ Metrics - Component MetricsSupported monitoring metrics for GoFrame framework components, including HTTP Client and HTTP Server. Readers can access more detailed monitoring metrics information through the document links. Metrics for other components will be provided in subsequent versions to ensure comprehensive system performance monitoring.