New Features

  1. The main repository has migrated from gitee to github ( ), with gitee serving as a mirror site for domestic code contributions and ISSUE submissions. Migration details are available at:
  2. Significant improvements/enhancements have been made to the commonly used container array module: garray, including the addition of many commonly used methods, improved unit test cases, and method annotations. See API documentation:
  3. Significant improvements/enhancements have been made to the commonly used container set module: gset, including the addition of many commonly used methods, improved unit test cases, and method annotations. See API documentation:
  4. Significant improvements/enhancements have been made to the commonly used container MAP module: gmap, including the addition of many commonly used methods, improved unit test cases, and method annotations. See API documentation:
  5. Significant improvements/enhancements have been made to the commonly used string module: gstr, including the addition of many commonly used methods, improved unit test cases, and method annotations. See API documentation:
  6. Improved support for struct/ *struct parameters in gform, adjusting parameters of *Insert/*Save/*Replace/*Update/Where/Data methods to interface{} type, supporting parameter passing of any type: string/map/slice/struct/*struct. Refer to:
  7. Added/improved test cases for several modules, including: gvalid/ gregex/ garray/ gset/ gmap/ gstr/ gconv/ ghttp/ gdb;
  8. As the gkafka module is relatively heavy and not a core module of the framework, it has been moved to a new repository for independent management, and the related dependency package has been removed:
  9. Added greuseport module to implement TCP REUSEPORT feature:

New Features/Improvements

  1. Removed memory overhead caused by automatic initialization of session object in template engine’s built-in variables;
  2. Improved ghttp.Client, adding several methods. See:
  3. Added COMMON method to ghttp group routing for registering commonly used HTTP METHOD (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE) routes;
  4. Updated framework dependencies for the module;
  5. Improved gform batch operation return result object, allowing accurate retrieval of affected record rows through the result object;
  6. Moved gstr/ gregex modules from util category to text category directory;
  7. Moved gtest module from util category to test category directory;
  8. Improved glog method annotations;

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue where emails with dots were not successfully matched using gvalid.Check with the “ email“ rule;
  2. Fixed failure issue with gvalid.Check under regex rule;
  3. Fixed issue in the gcron module timing rules where days and weeks did not allow ? symbol;
  4. Fixed issue where ghttp.Server returned 200 status code in some exceptional cases;
  5. Fixed “memory leak” issue caused by atomic operations in the gfpool module under high concurrency;
  6. Fixed issue where the method Index routing could only be accessed through /xxx/index when registering group route/controls;
  7. Fixed error issue when using the template engine without a config.toml (even if not used) configuration file;
  8. Other fixes;