笔刷设置 通用 高级 拾色器 颜色 渐变 调色板 笔刷设置 Each mode and brush has unique brush settings. But there is also a lot of overlap or similar settings. This page explains general and mode sp...
简介 可视化 插值 关键帧类型 控制柄&插值模式显示 简介 关键帧 只是存储属性值的时间标记。 For example, a Keyframe might define that the horizontal position of a cube is at 3 m on frame 1. The purpose of a Keyfram...
场景属性 场景 单位 重力 插帧集 音频 刚体世界 场景属性 场景 参考 面板 属性编辑器(Properties editor) ‣ 场景(Scene) ‣ 场景(Scene) 相机 Used to select which camera is used as the active camera. You can also s...