景深 景深 To render a scene, EEVEE uses a pinhole camera model which produces a perfectly focused image of the scene. For an enhanced realism, EEVEE can simulate the optical Depth o...
「 Neural Networks and Deep Learning 」中文翻译(连载完毕) 简介 译者注 Lisence 「 Neural Networks and Deep Learning 」中文翻译(连载完毕) 简介 《神经网络与深度学习》是一本免费的在线电子书。本书主要介绍以下内容: 神经网络,一种启发自生物学的优美的编程范...
支持的节点 Eevee专用节点 Shader —> RGB 高光 BSDF 其他节点支持 着色节点 输入节点 其他节点 支持的节点 Most nodes are taken from Cycles. However, some features are missing and may (or may not) be implemented...
笔画 笔画 General settings for Grease Pencil strokes. 笔画面板。 笔画深度的次序 Defines how the strokes are ordered in 3D space (for objects not displayed In Front). 2D图层 笔画绘制顺序遵循2D图层列表...
yarn list yarn list [—depth] [—pattern] 列出已安装的包。 yarn list yarn list yarn list 命令模仿 Unix 列目录命令的预期行为。 In Yarn, the list command lists all dependencies for the current...
笔画 笔画 General settings for Grease Pencil strokes. 笔画面板。 笔画深度的次序 Defines how the strokes are ordered in 3D space (for objects not displayed In Front). 2D图层 笔画绘制顺序遵循2D图层列表...