
Timescale’s UddSketch implementation is provided as an aggregate function in PostgreSQL. The output is currently only suitable as input to the the percentile approximation functions. This can be directly as part of a one-off SQL query, or as transient data stored in a Continuous Aggregate that is queried later with these functions and using the UddSketch data as input.

Implementation details

UddSketch is a specialization of the DDSketch data structure. It follows the same approach of breaking the data range into a series of logarithmically sized buckets such that it can guarantee a maximum relative error for any percentile estimate as long as it knows which bucket that percentile falls in.

Where UddSketch differs from DDSketch is in its behavior when the number of buckets required by a set of values exceeds some predefined maximum. In these circumstances DDSketch will maintain it’s original error bound, but only for a subset of the range of percentiles. UddSketch, on the other hand, will combine buckets in such a way that it loosens the error bound, but can still estimate all percentile values.

As an example, assume both sketches were trying to capture an large set of values to be able to estimate percentiles with 1% relative error but were given too few buckets to do so. The DDSketch implementation would still guarantee 1% relative error, but may only be able to provides estimates in the range (0.05, 0.95). The UddSketch implementation however, might end up only able to guarantee 2% relative error, but would still be able to estimate all percentiles at that error.

Timescale’s UddSketch implementation is provided as an aggregate function in PostgreSQL. It does not support moving-aggregate mode, and is not a ordered-set aggregate. It currently only works with DOUBLE PRECISION types, but we’re intending to relax this constraint as needed. UddSketches are partializable and are good candidates for continuous aggregation.

It’s also worth noting that attempting to set the relative error too small or large can result in breaking behavior. For this reason, the error is required to fall into the range [1.0e-12, 1.0).

uddsketch() usage

  1. uddsketch(
  2. size INTEGER,
  3. max_error DOUBLE PRECISION,
  5. ) RETURNS UddSketch

This will construct and return a new UddSketch with at most size buckets. The maximum relative error of the UddSketch will be bounded by max_error unless it is impossible to do so while with the bucket bound. If the sketch has had to combine buckets, the new error can be found with the uddsketch_error command.

Note that since the error will be increased automatically (roughly doubling at each step) as the number of buckets is exceeded, it is probably worth erring on the side of too small unless you have a good understanding of exactly what your error should be.

Required arguments

sizeINTEGERMaximum number of buckets in the sketch. Providing a larger value here will make it more likely that the aggregate will able to maintain the desired error, though will potentially increase the memory usage.
max_errorDOUBLE PRECISIONThis is the starting maximum relative error of the sketch, as a multiple of the actual value. The true error may exceed this if too few buckets are provided for the data distribution.
valueDOUBLE PRECISIONColumn to aggregate.


uddsketchUddSketchA UddSketch object which may be passed to other UddSketch APIs.

Sample usage

For this example assume we have a table ‘samples’ with a column ‘data’ holding DOUBLE PRECISION values. The following will simply return a sketch over that column

  1. SELECT uddsketch(100, 0.01, data) FROM samples;

It may be more useful to build a view from the aggregate that we can later pass to other uddsketch functions.

  1. CREATE VIEW sketch AS
  2. SELECT uddsketch(100, 0.01, data)
  3. FROM samples;