Generic retention

Create a generic data retention policy that applies to ALL hypertables, as opposed to just a single one as required by add_retention_policy. The policy could be further refined with additional filters, by adding a WHERE clause to the PERFORM query in the procedure definition.

  1. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE generic_retention (job_id int, config jsonb)
  3. AS $$
  5. drop_after interval;
  6. BEGIN
  7. SELECT jsonb_object_field_text (config, 'drop_after')::interval INTO STRICT drop_after;
  8. IF drop_after IS NULL THEN
  9. RAISE EXCEPTION 'Config must have drop_after';
  10. END IF;
  11. PERFORM drop_chunks(format('%I.%I', table_schema, table_name), older_than => drop_after)
  12. FROM timescaledb_information.hypertables;
  13. END
  14. $$;

Register job to run daily dropping chunks on all hypertables that are older than 12 months.

  1. SELECT add_job('generic_retention','1d', config => '{"drop_after":"12 month"}');