Node-to-node communication

Once you have your instances set up, the next task is configuring your PostgreSQL instances to accept connections from the access node to the data nodes. The authentication mechanism used when accepting such connections might be different than the one used by external clients when connecting to the access node. The task also requires different steps depending on what authentication mechanism you want to use on your nodes. The simplest approach is to simply trust all incoming connections, and is discussed in this section.

Going beyond the simple trust approach to create a secure system is a complex task and this section should not be read as recommending any particular security measures for securing your system. That said, we also provide two additional examples for how to enable password authentication or certificate authentication for additional context.

Trust authentication

This is the quickest path to getting a multi-node environment up and running, but should not be used for any sort of secure data.


The “trust” authentication method allows insecure access to all nodes. For production implementations, please use more secure methods of authentication.

1. Edit authentication configuration file on data nodes

Client authentication is usually configured in the pg_hba.conf (reference doc) file located in the data directory. If the file is not located there, connect to the instance with psql and execute this command:

  1. SHOW hba_file;

To enable “trust” authentication, add a line to pg_hba.conf to allow access to the instance. Ex: for an access node ip address

  2. host all all trust

2. Reload server configuration

Reload the server configuration on each data node for the changes to take effect:

  1. pg_ctl reload

3. Add the data nodes to the access node

Once the nodes are properly configured, you can continue following the multi-node setup.

4. Setting up additional roles

There are no additional configuration changes that need to be done for trust authentication, as connections from all users on the access node are trusted by the data nodes. You can simply perform the following commands on the access node.

First, create the role on the access node if not already present:

  1. CREATE ROLE testrole;

If external clients need to connect to the access node as testrole it is also necessary to add the LOGIN option. And, optionally, the PASSWORD option if password authentication is used.

Next, allow that role to access the foreign server objects for the data nodes. Run the following, making sure to include all data node names:

  1. GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER <data node name>, <data node name>, ... TO testrole;

Finally add the role to all of the data nodes. Use the distributed_exec command to do this from the access node:

  1. CALL distributed_exec($$ CREATE ROLE testrole LOGIN $$);

It’s important that the role be created with the LOGIN privilege on the data nodes, even if it doesn’t have this privilege on the access node. Aside from this, any other permissions the user has should be the same on the data node to ensure operations behave the same on all nodes.

Password authentication

With password authentication, every user role that uses distributed hypertables needs an “internal” password for establishing connections between the access node and the data nodes. Such a password is only used by the access node and it need not be the same password as used by the client connecting externally to the access node (in case the client also uses password authentication). In fact, unless the user needs to connect directly to data nodes, it never needs to use the internal password and it can be setup and configured by the database admin. Neither does the internal password have to change when the user changes its password used to connect to the access node.

The access node needs to store the internal passwords somewhere so that it can retrieve the right password when connecting to a data node. It is recommended that internal passwords are stored in a local password file, but, alternatively, user mappings can be used as well. However, such in-database user mappings are less secure and require one mapping per user and data node. Therefore, this section focuses on the password file approach.

We recommend using SCRAM SHA-256 password authentication. For other password authentication methods, see the PostgreSQL docs.
The method assumes the presence of a postgres user/password combination that exists on all nodes.

1. Set the password encryption method for access node and data nodes

First set the password encryption method to scram-sha-256 within the PostgreSQL configuration file postgresql.conf on each node. Add this line to the file:

  1. password_encryption = 'scram-sha-256' # md5 or scram-sha-256

Note that any previously created user passwords will need to be recreated to incorporate the new encryption.

2. Enable password authentication on the data nodes

Password authentication is set by modifying the HBA file (by default pg_hba.conf in the data directory, can also be found via SHOW hba_file in psql). Add a line to pg_hba.conf to enable encrypted authentication between the access node and the data node for all users:

  1. # IPv4 local connections:
  3. host all all scram-sha-256 #where '' is the access node IP

3. Create passwords on the access node

The password file passfile stores passwords for each role that the access node connects with to data nodes. The file is by default located in the data directory (PostgreSQL documentation). The location of the passfile can be changed via the settings variable timescaledb.passfile. If a file doesn’t exist, create one with the new user information. Add a line for each user, starting with the postgres user:

  1. *:*:*:postgres:xyzzy #assuming 'xyzzy' is the password for the 'postgres' user

Then apply the correct permissions to the file:

  1. chmod 0600 passfile

4. Reload server configuration

Reload the server configuration on each node for the changes to take effect:

  1. pg_ctl reload

5. Add the data nodes to the access node

Once the nodes are properly configured, you can continue following the multi-node setup.

6. Setting up additional roles

First, create the role on the access node if needed, and grant it usage to the foreign server objects for the data nodes:

  1. CREATE ROLE testrole PASSWORD 'clientpass' LOGIN;
  2. GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER <data node name>, <data node name>, ... TO testrole;

Note that clientpass is the password used by external clients to connect to the access node as user testrole. If the access node is configured to accept other authentication methods, or the role is not a login role, then the password and login options might not be needed when creating the role on the access node.

Second, use distributed_exec to add the role to all of the data nodes. In addition to LOGIN, make sure to provide the PASSWORD parameter to specify a different password to use when connecting to the data nodes with role testrole:

  1. CALL distributed_exec($$ CREATE ROLE testrole PASSWORD 'internalpass' LOGIN $$);

Finally, the new role must be added to the passfile on the access node (created in step 3 above).

  1. *:*:*:testrole:internalpass #assuming 'internalpass' is the password used to connect to data nodes

Certificate authentication

This method is more complex to set up than password authentication, but more secure and easier to automate.

To use certificates, each node involved in certificate authentication uses three files:

  • A root CA certificate, which we assume to be named root.crt, which serves as the root of trust in the system. It is used to verify other certificates.
  • A node certificate that provides the node with a trusted identity in the
    system. The node certificate is signed by the CA.
  • A private key that provides proof of ownership of the node certificate. In the case of the access node, this key is also used to sign user certificates. The key should be kept secure on the node instance where it is generated.

The access node also needs a private key and certificate pair for each user (role) in the database that will be used to connect and execute queries on the data nodes. The access node can use its own node certificate to create and sign new user certificates, as described further below.

1. Set up a certificate authority

A CA is necessary as a trusted third party to sign other certificates. The key of the CA is used to sign Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs), and the certificate of the CA is used as a root certificate for other parties. Creating a new CA is not necessary if there is already one available to be employed. In that case skip to the next step.

First, generate a private key called auth.key:

  1. openssl genpkey -algorithm rsa -out auth.key

Generate a self-signed root certificate for the CA:

  1. openssl req -new -key auth.key -days 3650 -out root.crt -x509
  2. You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
  3. into your certificate request.
  4. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
  5. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
  6. For some fields there will be a default value,
  7. If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
  8. -----
  9. Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
  10. State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:New York
  11. Locality Name (eg, city) []:New York
  12. Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Example Company Pty Ltd
  13. Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
  14. Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:
  15. Email Address []:

2. Generate keys and certificates for nodes

Keys and certificates serve similar but distinct purposes for the data nodes and access node respectively. For the data nodes, a signed certificate verifies the node to the access node. For the access node a signed certificate is used to sign user certificates for access.

The default names for the node key and certificate are server.key and server.crt respectively and they are both placed in the data directory of the instance. To create a server certificate:

  1. Generate a CSR, server.csr for the node and generate a new key, server.key. To generate both with one command:

    1. openssl req -out server.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
    2. -keyout server.key
  2. Sign the CSR using the previously generated CA key, auth.key:

    1. openssl ca -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -days 3650 -notext \
    2. -md sha256 -in server.csr -out server.crt
  3. Move the server files server.crt and server.key into the node’s data directory.

  4. Copy the root certificate file root.crt from the certificate authority into the node’s data directory.

3. Configure the node to use SSL authentication

Configure the node to use SSL authentication by setting the ssl option to on and setting the ssl_ca_file value in the postgresql.conf configuration file:

  1. ssl = on
  2. ssl_ca_file = 'root.crt'
  3. ssl_cert_file = 'server.crt'
  4. ssl_key_file = 'server.key'

This configuration is only required on data nodes, but it can also be applied to the access node to enable certificate authentication for login.


ssl_cert_file and ssl_key_file are here set explicitly, but do not need to be set for the default values (server.crt and server.key). If the values are different from the defaults, they _would_ need to be set explicitly.

Now configure the HBA file (default pg_hba.conf) on the data node to accept certificates for users. Add a line to allow any user that uses SSL to log in with client certificate authentication:

  2. hostssl all all all cert clientcert=1

4. Set up user permissions

The access node does not have any user keys nor certificates, so it cannot yet log into the data node. User key files and user certificates are stored in timescaledb/certs in the data directory.


You can configure the location of the user certificates and keys outside of the data directory using timescaledb.ssl_dir.

To generate a key and certificate file:

  1. Compute the base name for the files (using md5sum), generate a subject identifier, and create names for the key and certificate files. Here, for user postgres:

    1. pguser=postgres #change value for a different user name
    2. base=`echo -n $pguser | md5sum | cut -c1-32`
    3. subj="/C=US/ST=New York/L=New York/O=Timescale/OU=Engineering/CN=$pguser"
    4. key_file="timescaledb/certs/$base.key"
    5. crt_file="timescaledb/certs/$base.crt"

    Most of the data is copied from the server certificate for the subject, but the common name (CN) needs to be set to the user name.

  2. Generate a new random user key.

    1. openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out "$key_file"
  3. Generate a certificate signing request. The CSR file is just temporary, so we can place it in directly in the data directory. It will be removed later.

    1. openssl req -new -sha256 -key $key_file -out "$base.csr" -subj "$subj"
  4. Sign the certificate signing request with the node key.

    1. openssl ca -batch -keyfile server.key -extensions v3_intermediate_ca \
    2. -days 3650 -notext -md sha256 -in "$base.csr" -out "$crt_file"
    3. rm $base.csr
  5. Append the node certificate to the user certificate. This is necessary to complete the certificate verification chain and make sure that all certificates are available on the data node, up to a trusted certificate (stored in root.crt).

    1. cat >>$crt_file <server.crt

The data node is now set up to accept certificate authentication, and the data and access nodes have keys and the user has a certificate.

5. Add the data nodes to the access node

Once the nodes are properly configured, you can continue following the multi-node setup.

6. Setting up additional roles

Allowing new roles to use the certificate to authenticate is simply a matter of adding them to the certificate role. Aside from that, the process of adding new users should be the same as for trust authentication.

First create the user on the access node if needed and grant it usage on the foreign server objects corresponding to the data nodes:

  1. CREATE ROLE testrole;
  2. GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER <data node name>, <data node name>, ... TO testrole;

If external clients need to connect to the access node as testrole it is also necessary to add the LOGIN option. And, optionally, the PASSWORD option if password authentication is used.

And finally add the role to all of the data nodes with distributed_exec:

  1. CALL distributed_exec($$ CREATE ROLE testrole LOGIN $$);

Next steps

To start working with the system, you can look at documentation for distributed hypertables.

All functions for modifying the node network are described in the API docs: