Table management

Designing proper table objects is a key part of using PostgreSQL. Creating the appropriate indexes and table schema for a given workload can result in significant performance improvements (and conversely, designing the wrong schema can result in significant performance degradation).

TimescaleDB supports all table objects supported within PostgreSQL, including data types, indexes, and triggers.

Note that sometimes it is useful to have a flexible schema, in particular when storing semi-structured data (e.g., storing readings from IoT sensors collecting varying measurements). For these cases, TimescaleDB also supports the PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB datatypes.

In this section, we provide detailed examples and best practices of how to create appropriate indexes, triggers, constraints, and tablespaces on your tables, as well as how to appropriately utilize the JSON and JSONB datatypes.


One of the most common ways of getting information about various aspects of your database is through psql, the interactive terminal. See the PostgreSQL docspsql-docs for more information.