TiProxy API

TiProxy provides API endpoints for accessing its configuration, health status, and monitoring data.

API - 图1


TiProxy API is specifically designed for debugging purposes and might not be fully compatible with future capabilities introduced in TiProxy. It’s not recommended to include this tool in application or utility development to get information.

The address for accessing the TiProxy API is http://${host}:${port}${path}, where ${host}:${port} is specified by the TiProxy configuration item api.addr, and ${path} is the specific API endpoint you want to access. For example:

  1. curl

Get TiProxy configuration

Request URI

GET /api/admin/config/

Parameter descriptions

The query parameter is as follows:

  • format: (optional) specifies the format of the returned configuration. Value options are json and toml. The default value is toml.


The following example gets the TiProxy configuration in JSON format:

  1. curl ""

Set TiProxy configuration

Currently, you can only use the TOML format to modify TiProxy configuration. Unspecified configuration items will remain unchanged, so you only need to specify the items that you want to modify.

Request URI

PUT /api/admin/config/

Request body

You need to provide the TiProxy configuration in TOML format. For example:

  1. [log]
  2. level='warning'


The following example sets log.level as 'warning', while leaving other configuration items unchanged.

  1. Get the current TiProxy configuration:

    1. curl

    The output is as follows:

    1. [log]
    2. encoder = 'tidb'
    3. level = 'info'
  2. Specify the value of log.level in the test.toml file, and then send a PUT /api/admin/config/ request to update the value of log.level:

    1. $ cat test.toml
    2. [log]
    3. level='warning'
    4. $ curl -X PUT --data-binary @test.toml
  3. Get the modified TiProxy configuration:

    1. curl

    The output is as follows:

    1. [log]
    2. encoder = 'tidb'
    3. level = 'warning'

Get TiProxy health status

This endpoint is used to get the health status of TiProxy and the checksum of the configuration. When TiProxy is running normally, this endpoint returns the checksum of the configuration. When TiProxy is shutting down or offline, it returns an error.

Request URI

GET /api/debug/health


  1. curl

The output is as follows:

  1. {"config_checksum":3006078629}

Get TiProxy monitoring data

Request URI

GET /metrics/


  1. curl