Deploy Data Migration Using DM Binary

This document introduces how to quickly deploy the Data Migration (DM) cluster using DM binary.

Use Binary - 图1


In the production environment, it is recommended to use TiUP to deploy a DM cluster.

Download DM binary

The DM binary is included in the TiDB Toolkit. To download the TiDB Toolkit, see Download TiDB Tools.

Sample scenario

Suppose that you deploy a DM cluster based on this sample scenario:

Two DM-worker nodes and three DM-master nodes are deployed on five servers.

Here is the address of each node:

InstanceServer addressPort

Based on this scenario, the following sections describe how to deploy the DM cluster.

Use Binary - 图2


  • If you deploy multiple DM-master or DM-worker instances in a single server, the port and working directory of each instance must be unique.

  • If you do not need to ensure high availability of the DM cluster, deploy only one DM-master node, and the number of deployed DM-worker nodes must be no less than the number of upstream MySQL/MariaDB instances to be migrated.

  • To ensure high availability of the DM cluster, it is recommended to deploy three DM-master nodes, and the number of deployed DM-worker nodes must be greater than the number of upstream MySQL/MariaDB instances to be migrated (for example, the number of DM-worker nodes is two more than the number of upstream instances).

  • Make sure that the ports among the following components are interconnected:

    • The 8291 ports among the DM-master nodes are interconnected.
    • Each DM-master node can connect to the 8262 ports of all DM-worker nodes.
    • Each DM-worker node can connect to the 8261 port of all DM-master nodes.

Deploy DM-master

You can configure DM-master by using command-line parameters or the configuration file.

DM-master command-line parameters

The following is the description of DM-master command-line parameters:

  1. ./dm-master --help
  1. Usage of dm-master:
  2. -L string
  3. log level: debug, info, warn, error, fatal (default "info")
  4. -V prints version and exit
  5. -advertise-addr string
  6. advertise address for client traffic (default "${master-addr}")
  7. -advertise-peer-urls string
  8. advertise URLs for peer traffic (default "${peer-urls}")
  9. -config string
  10. path to config file
  11. -data-dir string
  12. path to the data directory (default "default.${name}")
  13. -initial-cluster string
  14. initial cluster configuration for bootstrapping, e.g. dm-master=
  15. -join string
  16. join to an existing cluster (usage: cluster's "${master-addr}" list, e.g. ","
  17. -log-file string
  18. log file path
  19. -master-addr string
  20. master API server and status addr
  21. -name string
  22. human-readable name for this DM-master member
  23. -peer-urls string
  24. URLs for peer traffic (default "")
  25. -print-sample-config
  26. print sample config file of dm-worker

Use Binary - 图3


In some situations, you cannot use the above method to configure DM-master because some configurations are not exposed to the command line. In such cases, use the configuration file instead.

DM-master configuration file

The following is the configuration file of DM-master. It is recommended that you configure DM-master by using this method.

  1. Write the following configuration to conf/dm-master1.toml:

    1. # Master Configuration.
    2. name = "master1"
    3. # Log configurations.
    4. log-level = "info"
    5. log-file = "dm-master.log"
    6. # The listening address of DM-master.
    7. master-addr = ""
    8. # The peer URLs of DM-master.
    9. peer-urls = ""
    10. # The value of `initial-cluster` is the combination of the `advertise-peer-urls` value of all DM-master nodes in the initial cluster.
    11. initial-cluster = "master1=,master2=,master3="
  2. Execute the following command in the terminal to run DM-master:

    1. ./dm-master -config conf/dm-master1.toml

    Use Binary - 图4


    The console does not output logs after this command is executed. If you want to view the runtime log, you can execute tail -f dm-master.log.

  3. For DM-master2 and DM-master3, change name in the configuration file to master2 and master3 respectively, and change peer-urls to and respectively. Then repeat Step 2.

Deploy DM-worker

You can configure DM-worker by using command-line parameters or the configuration file.

DM-worker command-line parameters

The following is the description of the DM-worker command-line parameters:

  1. ./dm-worker --help
  1. Usage of worker:
  2. -L string
  3. log level: debug, info, warn, error, fatal (default "info")
  4. -V prints version and exit
  5. -advertise-addr string
  6. advertise address for client traffic (default "${worker-addr}")
  7. -config string
  8. path to config file
  9. -join string
  10. join to an existing cluster (usage: dm-master cluster's "${master-addr}")
  11. -keepalive-ttl int
  12. dm-worker's TTL for keepalive with etcd (in seconds) (default 10)
  13. -log-file string
  14. log file path
  15. -name string
  16. human-readable name for DM-worker member
  17. -print-sample-config
  18. print sample config file of dm-worker
  19. -worker-addr string
  20. listen address for client traffic

Use Binary - 图5


In some situations, you cannot use the above method to configure DM-worker because some configurations are not exposed to the command line. In such cases, use the configuration file instead.

DM-worker configuration file

The following is the DM-worker configuration file. It is recommended that you configure DM-worker by using this method.

  1. Write the following configuration to conf/dm-worker1.toml:

    1. # Worker Configuration.
    2. name = "worker1"
    3. # Log configuration.
    4. log-level = "info"
    5. log-file = "dm-worker.log"
    6. # DM-worker address.
    7. worker-addr = ":8262"
    8. # The master-addr configuration of the DM-master nodes in the cluster.
    9. join = ",,"
  2. Execute the following command in the terminal to run DM-worker:

    1. ./dm-worker -config conf/dm-worker1.toml
  3. For DM-worker2, change name in the configuration file to worker2. Then repeat Step 2.

Now, a DM cluster is successfully deployed.