Resume a Data Migration Task

You can use the resume-task command to resume a data migration task in the Paused state. This is generally used in scenarios where you want to manually resume a data migration task after handling the error that get the task paused.

  1. help resume-task
  1. resume a specified paused task
  2. Usage:
  3. dmctl resume-task [-s source ...] <task-name | task-file> [flags]
  4. Flags:
  5. -h, --help help for resume-task
  6. Global Flags:
  7. -s, --source strings MySQL Source ID

Usage example

  1. resume-task [-s "mysql-replica-01"] task-name

Flags description

  • -s: (Optional) Specifies the MySQL source where you want to resume the subtask of the migration task. If it is set, the command resumes only the subtasks on the specified MySQL source.
  • task-name | task-file: (Required) Specifies the task name or task file path.

Returned results

  1. resume-task test
  1. {
  2. "op": "Resume",
  3. "result": true,
  4. "msg": "",
  5. "sources": [
  6. {
  7. "result": true,
  8. "msg": "",
  9. "source": "mysql-replica-01",
  10. "worker": "worker1"
  11. }
  12. ]
  13. }