Install and Configure the FIPS Compliant Package

This how-to guide explains how to install and configure the Kong Gateway FIPS-compliant package. After following the steps in this guide, you will have a FIPS-compliant Kong Gateway with FIPS mode enabled.

Installing a Kong Gateway FIPS compliant package



The FIPS-compliant Ubuntu 20.04 package can be installed using the package distinctively named kong-enterprise-edition-fips. To install the package follow these instructions:

  1. Set up the Kong APT repository:

    1. curl -1sLf "" | gpg --dearmor >> /usr/share/keyrings/kong-gateway-38-archive-keyring.gpg
    2. curl -1sLf "$(lsb_release -sc)" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kong-gateway-38.list
  2. Update the repository:

    1. sudo apt-get update
  3. Install the Kong Gateway FIPS package:

    1. apt install -y kong-enterprise-edition-fips=

The FIPS-compliant Red Hat 8 package can be installed using the package distinctively named kong-enterprise-edition-fips. To install the package follow these instructions:


Yum repo

  1. Download the FIPS package:

    1. curl -Lo kong-enterprise-edition-fips- $(rpm --eval{rhel}/x86_64/kong-enterprise-edition-fips-{rhel}.x86_64.rpm)
  2. Install the Kong Gateway FIPS package:

    1. yum install kong-enterprise-edition-fips-
  3. Set up the Kong Yum repository:

    1. curl -1sLf "$(rpm --eval '%{rhel}')" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/kong-gateway-38.repo
    2. sudo yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='kong-gateway-38'
  4. Install the Kong Gateway FIPS package:

    1. yum install kong-enterprise-edition-fips-

Configure FIPS

To start in FIPS mode, set the following configuration property to on in the kong.conf configuration file before starting Kong Gateway:

  1. fips = on # fips mode is enabled, causing incompatible ciphers to be disabled

You can also set this configuration using an environment variable:

  1. export KONG_FIPS=on

If you are migrating from Kong Gateway 3.1 to 3.2 in FIPS mode and are using the key-auth-enc plugin, you should send PATCH or POST requests to all existing key-auth-enc credentials to re-hash them in SHA256.

Migrating from non-FIPS to FIPS mode and backwards is not supported.