Configure the Admin API

Kong Gateway is now running on Kubernetes. The Admin API is a NodePort service, which means it’s not publicly available. The proxy service is a LoadBalancer which provides a public address.

To make the admin API accessible without using kubectl port-forward, you can create an internal load balancer on your chosen cloud. This is required to use Kong Manager to view or edit your configuration.

Update your values-cp.yaml file with the following Ingress configuration.

  1. Configure your Ingress Controller:





    You need the aws-load-balancer-controller installed in your cluster to configure Ingress resources on EKS.

    After installing, check that your cluster is running the aws-load-balancer-controller.

    1. kubectl get deployments.apps -n kube-system aws-load-balancer-controller

    You need application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress installed in your cluster to configure Ingress resources on AKS.

    After installing, check that your cluster is running the ingress-appgw-deployment.

    1. kubectl get deployments.apps -n kube-system ingress-appgw-deployment

    Clusters running GKE versions 1.18 and later automatically provision load balancers in response to Ingress resources being created.

    GKE requires a BackendConfig resource to be created for Kong deployments to be marked as healthy.

    1. Create a BackendConfig resource to configure health checks.

      1. echo "apiVersion:
      2. kind: BackendConfig
      3. metadata:
      4. name: kong-hc
      5. namespace: kong
      6. spec:
      7. healthCheck:
      8. checkIntervalSec: 15
      9. port: 8100
      10. type: HTTP
      11. requestPath: /status" | kubectl apply -f -
    2. This BackendConfig is attached to the admin service using the annotations key in values-cp.yaml

    GKE provisions one load balancer per Ingress definition. Following this guide will result in multiple load balancers being created.

    Set ingressController.enabled to true in your values-cp.yaml file to enable Kong Ingress Controller. When enabling the ingress controller, set env.publish_service to ensure that Kong Ingress Controller populates the address field in the managed Ingress resources.

    You must also set ingressController.env.kong_admin_token to the value stored in env.password to enable communication between Kong Ingress Controller and the Kong Gateway Admin API.

    1. ingressController:
    2. enabled: true
    3. env:
    4. publish_service: kong/kong-dp-kong-proxy
    5. kong_admin_token: kong_admin_password
  2. Configure the admin section in values-cp.yaml. Replace with your custom domain name.





    If you are testing and do not have a VPN set up for your VPC, you may change the annotation to internet-facing to add a public IP address. This is not recommended for long running deployments

    1. admin:
    2. enabled: true
    3. http:
    4. enabled: true
    5. tls:
    6. enabled: false
    7. ingress:
    8. enabled: true
    9. hostname:
    10. path: /
    11. pathType: Prefix
    12. ingressClassName: alb
    13. annotations:
    14. kong-alb-private
    15. demo.kong-alb-private
    16. instance
    17. internal
    18. /
    19. '[{"HTTP": 80}]'

    If you are testing and do not have a VPN set up, you may change the annotation to false to add a public IP address. This is not recommended for long running deployments

    1. admin:
    2. enabled: true
    3. http:
    4. enabled: true
    5. tls:
    6. enabled: false
    7. ingress:
    8. enabled: true
    9. hostname:
    10. path: /
    11. pathType: Prefix
    12. ingressClassName: azure-application-gateway
    13. annotations:
    14. "true"

    If you are testing and do not have a VPN set up, you may change the annotation to gce to add a public IP address. This is not recommended for long running deployments

    1. admin:
    2. enabled: true
    3. http:
    4. enabled: true
    5. tls:
    6. enabled: false
    7. annotations:
    8. '{"default":"kong-hc"}'
    9. ingress:
    10. enabled: true
    11. hostname:
    12. path: /
    13. pathType: Prefix
    14. annotations:
    15. gce-internal

    All endpoints proxied by Kong Ingress Controller will be publicly accessible. Use an authentication plugin to secure your API

    1. admin:
    2. enabled: true
    3. http:
    4. enabled: true
    5. tls:
    6. enabled: false
    7. ingress:
    8. enabled: true
    9. hostname:
    10. path: /
    11. pathType: Prefix
    12. ingressClassName: kong
  3. Run helm upgrade to update the release.

    1. helm upgrade kong-cp kong/kong -n kong --values ./values-cp.yaml
  4. Fetch the Ingress IP address and update your DNS records to point at the Ingress address. You can configure DNS manually, or use a tool like external-dns to automate DNS configuration.

    1. kubectl get ingress -n kong kong-cp-kong-admin -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}{": "}{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]}{@.ip}{@.hostname}{end}'

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