Kong Gateway 3.7.x breaking changes

Before upgrading, review any configuration or breaking changes in this version and prior versions that affect your current installation.

You may need to adopt different upgrade paths depending on your deployment methods, set of features in use, or custom plugins, for example.

Review the changelog for all the changes in this release.

Breaking changes and deprecations


The Granular Tracing feature has been deprecated and removed from Kong Gateway.

As part of your upgrade to 3.7, remove the following tracing-related parameters from your kong.conf file:

  • tracing
  • tracing_write_strategy
  • tracing_write_endpoint
  • tracing_time_threshold
  • tracing_types
  • tracing_debug_header
  • generate_trace_details

We recommend transitioning to OpenTelemetry Instrumentation instead.


There are some changes to the configuration of the HashiCorp Vault entity. Starting from this version, a string entirely made of spaces can’t be specified as the role_id or secret_id value in the HashiCorp Vault entity when using the AppRole authentication method.

Additionally, you must specify at least one of secret_id or secret_id_file in the HashiCorp Vault entity when using the AppRole authentication method.

Plugin changes

AI Proxy (ai-proxy): To support the new messages API of Anthropic, the upstream path of the anthropic setting for the llm/v1/chat route type has changed from /v1/complete to /v1/messages.

Previous Kong Gateway 3.6.x breaking changes

Next Kong Gateway 3.8.x breaking changes