Install Kong Manager

Kong Manager is the graphical user interface (GUI) for Kong Gateway. It uses the Kong Admin API under the hood to administer and control Kong Gateway.

Kong’s Admin API must be accessible over HTTP from your local machine to use Kong Manager



Kong Manager is served from the same node as the Admin API. To enable Kong Manager, make the following changes to your values-cp.yaml file.

  1. Set admin_gui_url, admin_gui_api_url and admin_gui_session_conf under the env key.

    1. env:
    2. admin_gui_url:
    3. admin_gui_api_url:
    4. # Change the secret and set cookie_secure to true if using a HTTPS endpoint
    5. admin_gui_session_conf: '{"secret":"secret","storage":"kong","cookie_secure":false}'
  2. Replace in the configuration with your domain.

  3. Enable Kong Manager authentication under the enterprise key.

    1. enterprise:
    2. rbac:
    3. enabled: true
    4. admin_gui_auth: basic-auth
  4. Configure the manager section in values-cp.yaml. Replace with your custom domain name.





    If you are testing and do not have a VPN set up for your VPC, you may change the annotation to internet-facing to add a public IP address. This is not recommended for long running deployments

    1. manager:
    2. enabled: true
    3. http:
    4. enabled: true
    5. tls:
    6. enabled: false
    7. ingress:
    8. enabled: true
    9. hostname:
    10. path: /
    11. pathType: Prefix
    12. ingressClassName: alb
    13. annotations:
    14. kong-alb-private
    15. demo.kong-alb-private
    16. instance
    17. internal
    18. /
    19. '[{"HTTP": 80}]'

    If you are testing and do not have a VPN set up, you may change the annotation to false to add a public IP address. This is not recommended for long running deployments

    1. manager:
    2. enabled: true
    3. http:
    4. enabled: true
    5. tls:
    6. enabled: false
    7. ingress:
    8. enabled: true
    9. hostname:
    10. path: /
    11. pathType: Prefix
    12. ingressClassName: azure-application-gateway
    13. annotations:
    14. "true"

    If you are testing and do not have a VPN set up, you may change the annotation to gce to add a public IP address. This is not recommended for long running deployments

    1. manager:
    2. enabled: true
    3. http:
    4. enabled: true
    5. tls:
    6. enabled: false
    7. annotations:
    8. '{"default":"kong-hc"}'
    9. ingress:
    10. enabled: true
    11. hostname:
    12. path: /
    13. pathType: Prefix
    14. annotations:
    15. gce-internal

    All endpoints proxied by Kong Ingress Controller will be publicly accessible. Use an authentication plugin to secure your API

    1. manager:
    2. enabled: true
    3. http:
    4. enabled: true
    5. tls:
    6. enabled: false
    7. ingress:
    8. enabled: true
    9. hostname:
    10. path: /
    11. pathType: Prefix
    12. ingressClassName: kong
  5. Run helm upgrade to update the release.

    1. helm upgrade kong-cp kong/kong -n kong --values ./values-cp.yaml
  6. Fetch the Ingress IP address and update your DNS records to point at the Ingress address. You can configure DNS manually, or use a tool like external-dns to automate DNS configuration.

    1. kubectl get ingress -n kong kong-cp-kong-manager -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}{": "}{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]}{@.ip}{@.hostname}{end}'


Visit the URL in env.admin_gui_url in a web browser to see the Kong Manager log in page. The default username is kong_admin, and the password is the value you set in env.password when installing the Kong Gateway control plane in the previous step.


I can’t log in to Kong Manager

Check that env.password was set in values-cp.yaml before installing Kong. Kong Gateway generates a random admin password if this is not set. This password can not be recovered and you must reinstall Kong to set a new admin password.

What are my login credentials?

The Kong super admin username is kong_admin, and the password is the value set in env.password in values-cp.yaml.

Kong Manager shows a white screen

Ensure that env.admin_gui_api_url is set correctly in values-cp.yaml.

Previous Configure the Admin API