Write a Query

This chapter describes how to write a continuous aggregation query in GreptimeDB. Query here should be a SELECT statement with either aggregating functions or non-aggregating functions (i.e., scalar function).

Generally speaking, the SQL part in the flow is just like a normal SELECT clause with a few difference. The grammar of the query is like the following:

  1. SELECT AGGR_FUNCTION(column1, column2,..) FROM <source_table> GROUP BY TIME_WINDOW_FUNCTION();

Only two kinds of expression are allowed after SELECT keyword:

  • Aggregate functions: see the reference in Expression for detail.
  • Scalar functions: like col, to_lowercase(col), col + 1, etc. This part is the same as the normal SELECT clause in GreptimeDB.

The query should have a FROM clause to identify the source table. As the join clause is currently not supported, the query can only aggregate columns from a single table.

GROUP BY clause works as in a normal query. It groups the data by the specified columns. One special thing is the time window functions hop() and tumble() described in Define Time Window part. They are used in the GROUP BY clause to define the time window for the aggregation. Other expressions in GROUP BY can be either literal, column or scalar expressions.

Others things like ORDER BY, LIMIT, OFFSET are not supported in the continuous aggregation query.