

GreptimeDB also supports PostgreSQL server protocol! To get started, simply add the -U argument to your command, followed by your username and password. Here’s an example:

  1. psql -h localhost -p 4003 -U greptime_user -d public
  2. Password for user greptime_user:
  3. psql (15.2, server 0.1.1)
  4. WARNING: psql major version 15, server major version 0.1.
  5. Some psql features might not work.
  6. Type "help" for help.
  7. public=>

Note: Be sure to replace greptime_user(username) and greptime_pwd(password) with your own username and password.

Table management

Please refer to Table Management.

Write data

Please refer to SQL.

Query data

Please refer to SQL.

Time zone

GreptimeDB’s PostgreSQL protocol interface follows original PostgreSQL on datatype-timezones.

By default, PostgreSQL uses its server time zone for timestamp. To override, you can set time_zone variable for current session using SQL statement SET TIMEZONE TO '<value>';. The value of time_zone can be any of:

  • A full time zone name, for example America/New_York.
  • A time zone abbreviation, for example PST.
  • Offset to UTC such as +08:00.

You can use SHOW to check the current time zone settings. For example:

  1. SHOW VARIABLES time_zone;
  2. -----------
  3. UTC

Change the session time zone to +1:00:

  1. SET TIMEZONE TO '+1:00'

For information on how the time zone affects data inserts and queries, please refer to the SQL documents in the write data and query data sections.