Back up & restore data

Use COPY commandto backup and restore data.

Backup Table

Backup the table monitor in parquet format to the file /home/backup/monitor/monitor.parquet:

  1. COPY monitor TO '/home/backup/monitor/monitor.parquet' WITH (FORMAT = 'parquet');

Backup the data in the time range:

  1. COPY monitor TO '/home/backup/monitor/monitor_20240518.parquet' WITH (FORMAT = 'parquet', START_TIME='2024-05-18 00:00:00', END_TIME='2025-05-19 00:00:00');

The above command will export the data on 2024-05-18. Use such command to achieve incremental backup.

Restore Table

Restore the monitor table:

  1. COPY monitor FROM '/home/backup/monitor/monitor.parquet' WITH (FORMAT = 'parquet');

If exporting the data every data incrementally, all the files under the same folder but with different file names, we can restore them with PATTERN option:

  1. COPY monitor FROM '/home/backup/monitor/` WITH (FORMAT = 'parquet', PATTERN = '.*parquet')

Backup & Restore Database

It’s almost the same as the table:

  1. -- Backup the database public --
  2. COPY DATABASE public TO '/home/backup/public/' WITH (FORMAT='parquet');
  3. -- Restore the database public --
  4. COPY DATABASE public FROM '/home/backup/public/' WITH (FORMAT='parquet');

Look at the folder /home/backup/public/, the command exports each table as a separate file.