Authenticate requests from Dapr using token authentication

Require every incoming API request from Dapr to include an authentication token

For some building blocks such as pub/sub, service invocation and input bindings, Dapr communicates with an app over HTTP or gRPC. To enable the application to authenticate requests that are arriving from the Dapr sidecar, you can configure Dapr to send an API token as a header (in HTTP requests) or metadata (in gRPC requests).

Create a token

Dapr uses shared tokens for API authentication. You are free to define the API token to use.

Although Dapr does not impose any format for the shared token, a good idea is to generate a random byte sequence and encode it to Base64. For example, this command generates a random 32-byte key and encodes that as Base64:

  1. openssl rand 16 | base64

Configure app API token authentication in Dapr

The token authentication configuration is slightly different for either Kubernetes or self-hosted Dapr deployments:


In self-hosting scenario, Dapr looks for the presence of APP_API_TOKEN environment variable. If that environment variable is set when the daprd process launches, Dapr includes the token when calling an app:

  1. export APP_API_TOKEN=<token>

To rotate the configured token, update the APP_API_TOKEN environment variable to the new value and restart the daprd process.


In a Kubernetes deployment, Dapr leverages Kubernetes secrets store to hold the shared token. To start, create a new secret:

  1. kubectl create secret generic app-api-token --from-literal=token=<token>

Note, the above secret needs to be created in each namespace in which you want to enable app token authentication

To indicate to Dapr to use the token in the secret when sending requests to the app, add an annotation to your Deployment template spec:

  1. annotations:
  2. "true"
  3. "app-api-token" # name of the Kubernetes secret

When deployed, the Dapr Sidecar Injector automatically creates a secret reference and injects the actual value into APP_API_TOKEN environment variable.

Rotate a token


To rotate the configured token in self-hosted, update the APP_API_TOKEN environment variable to the new value and restart the daprd process.


To rotate the configured token in Kubernetes, update the previously-created secret with the new token in each namespace. You can do that using kubectl patch command, but a simpler way to update these in each namespace is by using a manifest:

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Secret
  3. metadata:
  4. name: app-api-token
  5. type: Opaque
  6. data:
  7. token: <your-new-token>

And then apply it to each namespace:

  1. kubectl apply --file token-secret.yaml --namespace <namespace-name>

To tell Dapr to start using the new token, trigger a rolling upgrade to each one of your deployments:

  1. kubectl rollout restart deployment/<deployment-name> --namespace <namespace-name>

Assuming your service is configured with more than one replica, the key rotation process does not result in any downtime.

Authenticating requests from Dapr

Once app token authentication is configured using the environment variable or Kubernetes secret app-api-token, the Dapr sidecar always includes the HTTP header/gRPC metadata dapr-api-token: <token> in the calls to the app. From the app side, ensure you are authenticating using the dapr-api-token value which uses the app-api-token you set to authenticate requests from Dapr.

App API token authentication - 图1


In your code, look for the HTTP header dapr-api-token in incoming requests:

  1. dapr-api-token: <token>


When using gRPC protocol, inspect the incoming calls for the API token on the gRPC metadata:

  1. dapr-api-token[0].

Accessing the token from the app


In Kubernetes, it’s recommended to mount the secret to your pod as an environment variable. Assuming we created a secret with the name app-api-token to hold the token:

  1. containers:
  2. - name: mycontainer
  3. image: myregistry/myapp
  4. envFrom:
  5. - secretRef:
  6. name: app-api-token


In self-hosted mode, you can set the token as an environment variable for your app:

  1. export APP_API_TOKEN=<my-app-token>

Last modified October 11, 2024: Fixed typo (#4389) (fe17926)