How-to: Persist Scheduler Jobs

Configure Scheduler to persist its database to make it resilient to restarts

The Scheduler service is responsible for writing jobs to its embedded database and scheduling them for execution. By default, the Scheduler service database writes this data to the local volume dapr_scheduler, meaning that this data is persisted across restarts.

The host file location for this local volume is typically located at either /var/lib/docker/volumes/dapr_scheduler/_data or ~/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/dapr_scheduler/_data, depending on your container runtime. Note that if you are using Docker Desktop, this volume is located in the Docker Desktop VM’s filesystem, which can be accessed using:

  1. docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh

The Scheduler persistent volume can be modified with a custom volume that is pre-existing, or is created by Dapr.


By default dapr init creates a local persistent volume on your drive called dapr_scheduler. If Dapr is already installed, the control plane needs to be completely uninstalled in order for the Scheduler container to be recreated with the new persistent volume.

  1. dapr init --scheduler-volume my-scheduler-volume

Last modified October 11, 2024: Fixed typo (#4389) (fe17926)