Error codes returned by APIs

Detailed reference of the Dapr API error codes

For http calls made to Dapr runtime, when an error is encountered, an error json is returned in http response body. The json contains an error code and an descriptive error message, e.g.

  1. {
  2. "errorCode": "ERR_STATE_GET",
  3. "message": "Requested state key does not exist in state store."
  4. }

Following table lists the error codes returned by Dapr runtime:

Error CodeDescription
ERR_ACTOR_INSTANCE_MISSINGError getting an actor instance. This means that actor is now hosted in some other service replica.
ERR_ACTOR_RUNTIME_NOT_FOUNDError getting the actor instance.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_CREATEError creating a reminder for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_DELETEError deleting a reminder for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_TIMER_CREATEError creating a timer for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_TIMER_DELETEError deleting a timer for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_GETError getting a reminder for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_INVOKE_METHODError invoking a method on an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_STATE_DELETEError deleting the state for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_STATE_GETError getting the state for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_STATE_TRANSACTION_SAVEError storing actor state transactionally.
ERR_PUBSUB_NOT_FOUNDError referencing the Pub/Sub component in Dapr runtime.
ERR_PUBSUB_PUBLISH_MESSAGEError publishing a message.
ERR_PUBSUB_FORBIDDENError message forbidden by access controls.
ERR_PUBSUB_CLOUD_EVENTS_SERError serializing Pub/Sub event envelope.
ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_FOUNDError referencing a state store not found.
ERR_STATE_STORES_NOT_CONFIGUREDError no state stores configured.
ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_STATE_OPERATIONError transaction requested on a state store with no transaction support.
ERR_STATE_GETError getting a state for state store.
ERR_STATE_DELETEError deleting a state from state store.
ERR_STATE_SAVEError saving a state in state store.
ERR_INVOKE_OUTPUT_BINDINGError invoking an output binding.
ERR_MALFORMED_REQUESTError with a malformed request.
ERR_DIRECT_INVOKEError in direct invocation.
ERR_DESERIALIZE_HTTP_BODYError deserializing an HTTP request body.
ERR_SECRET_STORES_NOT_CONFIGUREDError that no secret store is configured.
ERR_SECRET_STORE_NOT_FOUNDError that specified secret store is not found.
ERR_HEALTH_NOT_READYError that Dapr is not ready.
ERR_METADATA_GETError parsing the Metadata information.

Last modified October 11, 2024: Fixed typo (#4389) (fe17926)