
Use Redis as a state store

Dapr doesn’t transform state values while saving and retrieving states. Dapr requires all state store implementations to abide by a certain key format scheme (see the state management spec. You can directly interact with the underlying store to manipulate the state data, such as:

  • Querying states.
  • Creating aggregated views.
  • Making backups.


The following examples uses Redis CLI against a Redis store using the default Dapr state store implementation.

Connect to Redis

You can use the official redis-cli or any other Redis compatible tools to connect to the Redis state store to query Dapr states directly. If you are running Redis in a container, the easiest way to use redis-cli is via a container:

  1. docker run --rm -it --link <name of the Redis container> redis redis-cli -h <name of the Redis container>

List keys by App ID

To get all state keys associated with application “myapp”, use the command:

  1. KEYS myapp*

The above command returns a list of existing keys, for example:

  1. 1) "myapp||balance"
  2. 2) "myapp||amount"

Get specific state data

Dapr saves state values as hash values. Each hash value contains a “data” field, which contains:

  • The state data.
  • A “version” field, with an ever-incrementing version serving as the ETag.

For example, to get the state data by a key “balance” for the application “myapp”, use the command:

  1. HGET myapp||balance data

To get the state version/ETag, use the command:

  1. HGET myapp||balance version

Read actor state

To get all the state keys associated with an actor with the instance ID “leroy” of actor type “cat” belonging to the application with ID “mypets”, use the command:

  1. KEYS mypets||cat||leroy*

To get a specific actor state such as “food”, use the command:

  1. HGET mypets||cat||leroy||food value


You should not manually update or delete states in the store. All writes and delete operations should be done via the Dapr runtime. The only exception: it is often required to delete actor records in a state store, once you know that these are no longer in use, to prevent a build up of unused actor instances that may never be loaded again.

Last modified October 11, 2024: Fixed typo (#4389) (fe17926)