
check_md5(conanfile, file_path, signature)

Check that the specified md5sum of the file_path matches with signature. If doesn’t match it will raise a ConanException.

  • Parameters:

    • conanfile – The current recipe object. Always use self.

    • file_path – Path of the file to check.

    • signature – Expected md5sum.

check_sha1(conanfile, file_path, signature)

Check that the specified sha1 of the file_path matches with signature. If doesn’t match it will raise a ConanException.

  • Parameters:

    • conanfile – Conanfile object.

    • file_path – Path of the file to check.

    • signature – Expected sha1sum

check_sha256(conanfile, file_path, signature)

Check that the specified sha256 of the file_path matches with signature. If doesn’t match it will raise a ConanException.

  • Parameters:

    • conanfile – Conanfile object.

    • file_path – Path of the file to check.

    • signature – Expected sha256sum