
The conanfile.txt file is a simplified version of, aimed at simple consumption of dependencies, but it cannot be used to create a package. Also, it is not necessary to have a conanfile.txt for consuming dependencies, a is perfectly suited for simple consumption of dependencies.

It also provides a simplified functionality, for example it is not possible to express conditional requirements in conanfile.txt, and it will be necessary to use a for that. Read Understanding the flexibility of using vs conanfile.txt for more information about this.


List of requirements, specifying the full reference. Equivalent to self.requires(<ref>) in

  1. [requires]
  2. poco/1.9.4
  3. zlib/1.2.11

This section supports references with version-ranges too:

  1. [requires]
  2. poco/[>1.0,<1.9]
  3. zlib/1.2.11

And specific recipe revisions can be pinned too:

  1. [requires]
  2. zlib/1.2.13#revision1
  3. boost/1.70.0#revision2


List of tool requirements (executable tools) specifying the full reference. Equivalent to self.tool_requires() in

  1. [tool_requires]
  2. 7zip/16.00
  3. cmake/3.23.0

This section also supports version ranges and pinned recipe revisions, as above.

In practice the [tool_requires] will be always installed (same as [requires]) as installing from a conanfile.txt means that something is going to be built, so the tool requirements are indeed needed. Note however, that by default tool_requires live in the “build” context, they cannot be libraries to built with, just executable tools, and for example, using the CMakeDeps generator, they will not create CMake config files for them (an exception is possible, but it requires using a, read the CMakeDeps reference for more information).


List of test requirements specifying the full reference. Equivalent to self.test_requires() in

  1. [test_requires]
  2. gtest/1.12.1

This section also supports version ranges and pinned recipe revisions, as above. The behavior of test_requires is totally equivalent to the [requires] section above, as the only difference is that test_requires are not propagated to consumers, but as a conanfile.txt is never creating a package that can be consumed, it is irrelevant. It is provided to maintain the equivalence with


List of built-in generators to be used, equivalent to the generators = "CMakeDeps", ... attribute.

  1. [requires]
  2. poco/1.9.4
  3. zlib/1.2.13
  4. [generators]
  5. CMakeDeps
  6. CMakeToolchain


List of options scoped for each package with a pattern like package_name*:option = Value.

  1. [requires]
  2. poco/1.9.4
  3. zlib/1.2.11
  4. [generators]
  5. CMakeDeps
  6. CMakeToolchain
  7. [options]
  8. poco*:shared=True
  9. openssl*:shared=True

For example using *:shared=True will define shared=True for all packages in the dependency graph that have this option defined.


You can specify one name of a predefined layout. The available values are:

  • cmake_layout

  • vs_layout

  • bazel_layout (experimental)

  1. [layout]
  2. cmake_layout

See also

Read Understanding the flexibility of using vs conanfile.txt for more information about conanfile.txt vs