Profile plugin

The extension plugin is a Python script that receives one profile and allow checking and modifying it.

This plugin is located in the extensions/plugins/ cache folder.

This contains a default implementation that does:

  • Will try to define compiler.runtime_type for msvc and clang compilers (in Windows) if it is not defined, and it will define it to match the settings.build_type. That allow users to let it undefined in profiles, and switch it conveniently in command line just with -s build_type=Debug

  • Will check the compiler.cppstd value if defined to validate if the current compiler version has support for it. For example, if a developer tries to use -s compiler=gcc -s compiler.version=5 -s compiler.cppstd=20, it will raise an error.

  • Even though the plugin has some provision to handle compiler.cstd checks, they are not implemented yet, so the plugin will be permissive regarding definition errors, please make sure the compiler.cstd is actually supported by your compiler version.

Users can customize this and distribute it via conan config install, in that case, the first lines should be removed:

  1. # This file was generated by Conan. Remove this comment if you edit this file or Conan
  2. # will destroy your changes.

And should contain one function with the signature:

  1. def profile_plugin(profile):
  2. settings = profile.settings
  3. print(settings)

When a profile is computed, it will display something like:

  1. OrderedDict([('arch', 'x86_64'), ('build_type', 'Release'), ('compiler', 'msvc'), ('compiler.cppstd', '14'), ('compiler.runtime', 'dynamic'), ('compiler.runtime_type', 'Release'), ('compiler.version', '192'), ('os', 'Windows')])

See also