Extending the binary model

There are a few mechanisms to extend the default Conan binary model:

Custom settings

It is possible to add new settings or subsettings in the settings.yml file, something like:

  1. os:
  2. Windows:
  3. new_subsetting: [null, "subvalue1", "subvalue2"]
  4. new_root_setting: [null, "value1", "value2"]

Where the null value allows leaving the setting undefined in profiles. If not including, it will be mandatory that profiles define a value for them.

The custom settings will be used explicitly or implictly in recipes and packages:

  1. class Pkg(ConanFile):
  2. # If we explicilty want this package binaries to vary according to 'new_root_setting'
  3. settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch", "new_root_setting"
  4. # While all packages with 'os=Windows' will implicitly vary according to 'new_subsetting'

See also

For the full reference of how settings.yml file can be customized visit the settings section. In practice, it is not necessary to modify the settings.yml file, and instead, it is possible to provide settings_user.yml file to extend the existing settings. See the settings_user.yml documentation.

Custom options

Options are custom to every recipe, there is no global definition of options like the settings.yml one.

Package conanfile.py recipes define their own options, with their own range of valid values and their own defaults:

  1. class MyPkg(ConanFile):
  2. ...
  3. options = {"build_tests": [True, False],
  4. "option2": ["ANY"]}
  5. default_options = {"build_tests": True,
  6. "option1": 42,
  7. "z*:shared": True}

The options shared, fPIC and header_only have special meaning for Conan, and are considered automatically by most built-in build system integrations. They are also the recommended default to represent when a library is shared, static or header-only.

See also

Settings vs options vs conf

When to use settings or options or configuration?

  • Settings are a project-wide configuration, something that typically affects the whole project that is being built and affects the resulting package binaries. For example, the operating system or the architecture would be naturally the same for all packages in a dependency graph, linking a Linux library to build a Windows app, or mixing architectures is impossible. Settings cannot be defaulted in a package recipe. A recipe for a given library cannot say that its default is os=Windows. The os will be given by the environment in which that recipe is processed. It is a mandatory input to be defined in the input profiles.

  • On the other hand, options are a package-specific configuration that affects the resulting package binaries. Static or shared library are not settings that apply to all packages. Some can be header only libraries while other packages can be just data, or package executables. For example, shared is a common option (the default for specifying if a library can be static or shared), but packages can define and use any options they want. Options are defined in the package conanfile.py recipe, including their supported and default values with options and default_options.

  • Configuration via conf is intended for configuration that does not affect the resulting package binaries in the general case. For example, building one library with the tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:generator=Ninja shouldn’t result in a binary different than if built with Visual Studio (just a typically faster build thanks to Ninja).

There are some exceptions to the above. For example, settings can be defined per-package using the <pattern:>setting=value, both in profiles and command line:

  1. $ conan install . -s mypkg/*:compiler=gcc -s compiler=clang ..

This will use gcc for “mypkg” and clang for the rest of the dependencies (in most cases it is recommended to use the same compiler for the whole dependency graph, but some scenarios when strong binary compatibility is guaranteed, it is possible to mix libraries built with different compilers).

There are situations whereby many packages use the same option value, thereby allowing you to set its value once using patterns, like:

  1. $ conan install . -o *:shared=True

Custom configuration

As commented above, the Conan conf configuration system is intended to tune some of the tools and behaviors, but without really affecting the resulting package binaries. Some typical conf items are activating parallel builds, configuring “retries” when uploading to servers, or changing the CMake generator. Read more about the Conan configuration system in this section.

There is also the possibility to define user.xxxx:conf=value for user-defined configuration, that in the same spirit as core and tools built-in configurations, do not affect the package_id of binaries.

But there might be some special situations in which it is really desired that some conf defines different package_ids, creating different package binaries. It is possible to do this in two different places:

  • Locally, in the recipe’s package_id method, via the self.info.conf attribute:

    1. def package_id(self):
    2. # We can get the value from the actual current conf value, or define a new value
    3. value = self.conf.get("user.myconf:myitem")
    4. # This ``self.info.conf`` will become part of the ``package_id``
    5. self.info.conf.define("user.myconf:myitem", value)
  • Globally, with the tools.info.package_id:confs configuration, receiving as argument a list of existing configuration to be part of the package ID, so you can define in profiles:

    1. tools.info.package_id:confs=["tools.build:cxxflags", ...]

    The value of the package_id will contain the value provided in the tools.build:cxxflags and other configurations. Note that this value is managed as a string, changing the string, will produce a different result and a different package_id, so if this approach is used, it is very important to be very consistent with the provided values for different configurations like tools.build:cxxflags.

    It is also possible to use regex expressions to match several confs, instead of listing all of them, for example .*cmake could match any configuration that contains “cmake” in its name (not that this is recommended, see best practices below).


Best practices

In general, defining variability of binaries package_id via conf should be reserved for special situations and always managed with care. Passing many different confs to the tools.info.package_id:confs can easily result in issues like missing binaries or unnecessarily building too many binaries. If that is the case, consider building higher level abstraction over your binaries with new custom settings or options.

Cross build target settings

The self.settings_target is a conanfile.py attribute that becomes relevant in cross-compilation scenarios for the tool_requires tools in the “build” context. When we have a tool_requires like CMake, lets say the cmake/3.25.3, the package binary is independent of the possible platform that cross-compiling will target, it is the same cmake executable for all different target platforms. The settings for a cross-building from Windows-X64 to Linux-armv8 scenario for the cmake conanfile recipe would be:

  • self.settings: The settings where the current cmake/3.25.3 will run. As it is a tool-require, it will run in the Windows machine, so self.settings.os = Windows and self.settings.arch = x86_64.

  • self.settings_build: The settings of the current build machine that would build this package if necessary. This is also the Windows-x64 machine, so self.settings_build.os = Windows and self.settings_build.arch = x86_64 too.

  • self.settings_target: The settings that the current application outcome will target. In this case it will be self.settings_target.os = Linux and self.settings_target.arch = armv8

In the cmake package scenario, as we pointed out, the target is irrelevant. It is not used in the cmake conanfile recipe at all, and it doesn’t affect the package_id of the cmake binary package.

But there are situations when the binary package can be different based on the target platform. For example a cross-compiler gcc that has a different gcc executable based on the target it will compile for. This is typical in the GNU ecosystem where we can find arm-gcc toolchains, for example, specific for a given architecture. This scenario can be reflected by Conan, extending the package_id with the value of these settings_target:

  1. def package_id(self):
  2. self.info.settings_target = self.settings_target
  3. # If we only want the ``os`` and ``arch`` settings, then we remove the other:
  4. self.info.settings_target.rm_safe("compiler")
  5. self.info.settings_target.rm_safe("build_type")