
The MSBuildToolchain is the toolchain generator for MSBuild. It will generate MSBuild properties files that can be added to the Visual Studio solution projects. This generator translates the current package configuration, settings, and options, into MSBuild properties files syntax.

This generator can be used by name in conanfiles:

  1. class Pkg(ConanFile):
  2. generators = "MSBuildToolchain"


  1. [generators]
  2. MSBuildToolchain

And it can also be fully instantiated in the conanfile generate() method:

  1. from conan import ConanFile
  2. from import MSBuildToolchain
  3. class App(ConanFile):
  4. settings = "os", "arch", "compiler", "build_type"
  5. def generate(self):
  6. tc = MSBuildToolchain(self)
  7. tc.generate()

The MSBuildToolchain will generate three files after a conan install command:

  1. $ conan install . # default is Release
  2. $ conan install . -s build_type=Debug
  • The main conantoolchain.props file, to be added to the project.

  • A conantoolchain\<config>.props file, that will be conditionally included from the previous _conantoolchain.props file based on the configuration and platform, e.g., conantoolchain_release_x86.props.

  • A conanvcvars.bat file with the vcvars invocation to define the build environment from the command line, or any other automated tools (might not be required if opening the IDE). This file will be automatically called by the method.

Every invocation with different configuration creates a new properties .props file, that is also conditionally included. That allows to install different configurations, then switch among them directly from the Visual Studio IDE.

The MSBuildToolchain files can configure:

  • The Visual Studio runtime (MT/MD/MTd/MDd), obtained from Conan input settings.

  • The C++ standard, obtained from Conan input settings.

One of the advantages of using toolchains is that they help to achieve the exact same build with local development flows, than when the package is created in the cache.



MSBuildToolchain is affected by these [conf] variables:

  • dict-like object of extra compile options to be added to <ClCompile> section. The dict will be translated as follows: <[KEY]>[VALUE]</[KEY]>.

  • value will define the <WindowsTargetPlatformVersion> element in the toolchain file.

  • list of extra C++ flags that will be appended to <AdditionalOptions> section from <ClCompile> and <ResourceCompile> one.

  • list of extra of pure C flags that will be appended to <AdditionalOptions> section from <ClCompile> and <ResourceCompile> one.

  • list of extra linker flags that will be appended to <AdditionalOptions> section from <Link> one.

  • list of extra linker flags that will be appended to <AdditionalOptions> section from <Link> one.

  • list of preprocessor definitions that will be appended to <PreprocessorDefinitions> section from <ResourceCompile> one.


class MSBuildToolchain(conanfile)

MSBuildToolchain class generator

  • Parameters:

    conanfile< ConanFile object > The current recipe object. Always use self.

  • generate()

    Generates a conantoolchain.props, a conantoolchain_<config>.props, and, if compiler=msvc, a conanvcvars.bat files. In the first two cases, they’ll have the valid XML format with all the good settings like any other VS project *.props file. The last one emulates the vcvarsall.bat env script. See also VCVars.


  • properties: Additional properties added to the generated .props files. You can define the properties in a key-value syntax like:
  1. from conan import ConanFile
  2. from import MSBuildToolchain
  3. class App(ConanFile):
  4. settings = "os", "arch", "compiler", "build_type"
  5. def generate(self):
  6. msbuild = MSBuildToolchain(self)
  7.["IncludeExternals"] = "true"
  8. msbuild.generate()

Then, the generated conantoolchain\<config>.props_ file will contain the defined property in its contents:

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <Project xmlns="">
  3. <ItemDefinitionGroup>
  4. ...
  5. </ItemDefinitionGroup>
  6. <PropertyGroup Label="Configuration">
  7. ...
  8. <IncludeExternals>true</IncludeExternals>
  9. ...
  10. </PropertyGroup>
  11. </Project>