色彩 渐变色 色彩 The color of a texture can be modified with the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation buttons. All textures with RGB values, including Images and Environment Maps, may...
色彩 渐变色 色彩 The color of a texture can be modified with the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation buttons. All textures with RGB values, including Images and Environment Maps, may...
色彩 渐变色 色彩 The color of a texture can be modified with the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation buttons. All textures with RGB values, including Images and Environment Maps, ma...
色彩 渐变色 色彩 The color of a texture can be modified with the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation buttons. All textures with RGB values, including Images and Environment Maps, may...
色彩 渐变色 色彩 The color of a texture can be modified with the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation buttons. All textures with RGB values, including Images and Environment Maps, ma...
色彩校正节点 属性 校正工具(呈竖排显示) 色调范围(呈横排显示) 输入 输出 色彩校正节点 色彩校正节点。 色彩校正节点可以调整图像的颜色,单独调整色调范围(高光,中间调和阴影)和仅影响需要的RGB通道。 属性 红,绿,蓝 Specifies which RGB channels will be affected by th...