简介 主要特点 激活 简介 Rigify helps automate the creation of character rigs. It is based around a building-block approach, where you build complete rigs out of smaller rig parts (e.g....
简介 简介 Multi-view is a complete toolset for working with stereoscopic rendering in Blender. It works with both the Eevee and Cycles rendering engines. Cycles additionally supp...
简介 创建力场 常用力场的设置 衰减 简介 Force fields offer a way to influence a simulation, in example to add extra movement. Particles , Soft Bodies , Rigid Bodies , and Cloth objects can a...
简介 平台相关说明 Linux Apple macOS Microsoft Windows 控制台状态和错误信息 常见信息 简介 控制台窗口 ,又称作 终端 ,是一个操作系统文本窗口,用于显示Blender操作、状态和内部错误相关信息。 用处: 用于自动化和批处理,使用不同 参数 启动Blender。 Python开发时,可以查看...