性能 内存 视图 性能 参考 面板: 属性 ‣ 渲染 ‣ 性能 高品质法线 使用更高精度的法线和切线,可以提高具有高频纹理的密集网格的视觉质量,但会占用内存。 内存 阴影池 A bigger pool size allows for more shadows in the scene but might not fit into GP...
体积 体积光照明 体积阴影 体积 EEVEE simulates volumetric scattering by evaluating all volume objects inside the view frustum. To achieve this, EEVEE uses several 3D textures which have a ...
原理化BSDF 输入 属性 输出 示例 原理化BSDF The Principled BSDF that combines multiple layers into a single easy to use node. It is based on the Disney principled model also known as the ...