Tracker functions

The Umami tracker exposes some functions that you can call on your website if you want more control over your tracking.


Sends an event with an event type of custom.


  1. umami('Signup button click');

umami.trackEvent(event_value, event_type, [url], [website_id])

Tracks an event with a custom event type.


  1. umami.trackEvent('Signup button click', 'signup', '/home', '94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409');

The url and website_id values are optional. They will default to the page url and data-website-id defined by the script.

umami.trackView(url, [referrer], [website_id])

Tracks a page view.


  1. umami.trackView('/home', '', '94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409');

The referrer and website_id values are optional. They will default to the page referrer and data-website-id defined by the script.