Tracker configuration

The Umami tracker provides several properties that allow you to configure its behavior.


By default, Umami will send data to wherever the script is located. You can override this to send data to another location.


  1. <script async defer
  2. src="http://mywebsite/umami.js"
  3. data-website-id="94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409"
  4. data-host-url=""
  5. ></script>


By default, Umami tracks all pageviews and events for you automatically. You can disable this behavior and track events yourself using the tracker functions.


  1. <script async defer
  2. src="http://mywebsite/umami.js"
  3. data-website-id="94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409"
  4. data-auto-track="false"
  5. ></script>


You can configure Umami to respect the visitor’s Do Not Track setting.


  1. <script async defer
  2. src="http://mywebsite/umami.js"
  3. data-website-id="94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409"
  4. data-do-not-track="true"
  5. ></script>


If you get a lot of pageviews from the same user, for example in a forum website, you can cache some data to improve the performance of the tracking script.

Note: This will use session storage so you may need to inform your users.


  1. <script async defer
  2. src="http://mywebsite/umami.js"
  3. data-website-id="94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409"
  4. data-cache="true"
  5. ></script>


If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can add them to your tracker script. This is a comma delimited list of domain names. Helps if you are working in a staging/development environment.


  1. <script async defer
  2. src="http://mywebsite/umami.js"
  3. data-website-id="94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409"
  4. data-domains=","
  5. ></script>