
Simple analytics

Umami measures just the important metrics that you care about: pageviews, devices used, and where your visitors are coming from. Everything is displayed on a single, easy to browse page.

Unlimited websites

Umami is able to track an unlimited number of websites from a single installation. You can even track subdomains and individual URLs.

Bypass ad-blockers

Umami is hosted by you under your own domain so you can reliably avoid ad-blockers unlike Google Analytics.


The tracking script is tiny (only 2KB) and supports legacy browsers like IE.

Multiple accounts

Umami can be used to host data for friends or clients. Just create a separate account and they can start tracking their own websites on their own dashboard.

Share data

If you want to share your stats publicly, you can do so with a uniquely generated URL.


The Umami interface has been optimized for mobile so you can view your stats from anywhere.

Data ownership

Since Umami is self-hosted you own all the data. No need to hand your data to a third party to be exploited.


Umami does not collect any personally identifiable information and anonymizes all data collected.


Umami is open-source and licensed under the MIT license. The source code is available on Github.