High availability with multi-node

A multi-node installation of TimescaleDB can be made highly available by setting up one or more standbys for each node in the cluster, or by natively replicating data at the chunk level.

Using standby nodes relies on streaming replication and you set it up in a similar way to configuring single-node HA, although the configuration needs to be applied to each node independently.

To replicate data at the chunk level, you can use the built-in capabilities of multi-node TimescaleDB to avoid having to replicate entire data nodes. The access node still relies on a streaming replication standby, but the data nodes need no additional configuration. Instead, the existing pool of data nodes share responsibility to host chunk replicas and handle node failures.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. Setting up standbys for each node in the cluster ensures that standbys are identical at the instance level, and this is a tried and tested method to provide high availability. However, it also requires more setting up and maintenance for the mirror cluster.

Native replication typically requires less resources, nodes, and configuration, and takes advantage of built-in capabilities, such as adding and removing data nodes, and different replication factors on each distributed hypertable. However, only chunks are replicated on the data nodes.

The rest of this section discusses native replication. To set up standbys for each node, follow the instructions for single node HA.

Native replication

Native replication is a set of capabilities and APIs that allow you to build a highly available multi-node TimescaleDB installation. At the core of native replication is the ability to write copies of a chunk to multiple data nodes in order to have alternative chunk replicas in case of a data node failure. If one data node fails, its chunks should be available on at least one other data node. If a data node is permanently lost, a new data node can be added to the cluster, and lost chunk replicas can be re-replicated from other data nodes to reach the number of desired chunk replicas.


Native replication in TimescaleDB is under development and currently lacks functionality for a complete high-availability solution. Some functionality described in this section is still experimental. For production environments, we recommend setting up standbys for each node in a multi-node cluster.


Similar to how high-availability configurations for single-node PostgreSQL uses a system like Patroni for automatically handling fail-over, native replication requires an external entity to orchestrate fail-over, chunk re-replication, and data node management. This orchestration is not provided by default in TimescaleDB and therefore needs to be implemented separately. The sections below describe how to enable native replication and the steps involved to implement high availability in case of node failures.

Configuring native replication

The first step to enable native replication is to configure a standby for the access node. This process is identical to setting up a single node standby.

The next step is to enable native replication on a distributed hypertable. Native replication is governed by the replication_factor, which determines how many data nodes a chunk is replicated to. This setting is configured separately for each hypertable, which means the same database can have some distributed hypertables that are replicated and others that are not.

By default, the replication factor is set to 1, so there is no native replication. You can increase this number when you create the hypertable. For example, to replicate the data across a total of three data nodes:

  1. SELECT create_distributed_hypertable('conditions', 'time', 'location',
  2. replication_factor => 3);

Alternatively, you can use the set_replication_factor call to change the replication factor on an existing distributed hypertable. Note, however, that only new chunks will be replicated according to the updated replication factor. Existing chunks need to be re-replicated by copying those chunks to new data nodes (see the node failures section below).

When native replication is enabled, the replication happens whenever you write data to the table. On every INSERT and COPY call, each row of the data is written to multiple data nodes. This means that you don’t need to do any extra steps to have newly ingested data replicated. When you query replicated data, the query planner only includes one replica of each chunk in the query plan.

Node failures

When a data node fails, inserts that attempt to write to the failed node will result in an error. This is to preserve data consistency in case the data node becomes available again. If writes would be allowed while a data node is not available, its chunks would diverge from other replicas in the cluster. If waiting for the data node to come back is not an option, either because it takes to long or the node is permanently failed, one can delete it instead. To be able to delete a data node, all of its chunks must have at least one replica on other data nodes. For example:

  1. SELECT delete_data_node('data_node_2', force => true);
  2. WARNING: distributed hypertable "conditions" is under-replicated

Use the force option when you delete the data node if the deletion means that the cluster no longer achieves the desired replication factor. This would be the normal case unless the data node has no chunks or the distributed hypertable has more chunk replicas than the configured replication factor.


You cannot force the deletion of a data node if it would mean that a multi-node cluster permanently loses data.

When you have successfully removed a failed data node, some data chunks might lack replicas, but queries and inserts work as normal again. However, the cluster stays in a vulnerable state until all chunks are fully replicated again.

When you have restored a failed data node, you can see the chunks that need to be replicated with this query:

  1. SELECT chunk_schema, chunk_name, replica_nodes, non_replica_nodes
  2. FROM timescaledb_experimental.chunk_replication_status
  3. WHERE hypertable_name = 'conditions' AND num_replicas < desired_num_replicas;

The output from this query looks like this:

  1. chunk_schema | chunk_name | replica_nodes | non_replica_nodes
  2. -----------------------+-----------------------+---------------+---------------------------
  3. _timescaledb_internal | _dist_hyper_1_1_chunk | {data_node_3} | {data_node_1,data_node_2}
  4. _timescaledb_internal | _dist_hyper_1_3_chunk | {data_node_1} | {data_node_2,data_node_3}
  5. _timescaledb_internal | _dist_hyper_1_4_chunk | {data_node_3} | {data_node_1,data_node_2}
  6. (3 rows)

With the information from the chunk replication status view, an under-replicated chunk can be copied to a new node to ensure the chunk has the sufficient number of replicas. For example:

  1. CALL timescaledb_experimental.copy_chunk('_timescaledb_internal._dist_hyper_1_1_chunk', 'data_node_3', 'data_node_2');

> When you restore chunk replication, the operation uses more than one transaction. This means that it cannot be automatically rolled back. If you cancel the operation before it is completed, an operation ID for the copy is logged. You can use this operation ID to clean up any state left by the cancelled operation. For example:

CALL timescaledb_experimental.cleanup_copy_chunk_operation('ts_copy_1_31');